13 March 2025

Thursday, 02:48


Azerbaijan expects a significant growth for tourism in 2017



In recent years, the tourism industry is perhaps one of the most quickly and successfully developing areas of the non-oil sector of Azerbaijan. It is enough to step out the central streets of Baku and parks, walk along the major retail outlets and visit the popular recreation areas in the regions to say with certainty - even the boldest forecasts on the capacity of recreational sector of Azerbaijan are justified. Moreover, contrary to the skeptics, this progress is achieved not only due to visits of tourists from the Muslim countries: Azerbaijan is ranked among the spectacular destinations for tourists in 2017 according to the American edition of Huffington Post and is in top ten of most popular destinations among the Russian tourists. Nevertheless, we are still far behind our South Caucasian neighbor and partner Georgia, which updates its record for attendance of the country every year... 

According to the latest statistics, Azerbaijan was visited by 2.2 million tourists in 2016, which is 11.7% more than in 2015. Of the total number of foreign tourists arriving in Azerbaijan during this period, the majority are Russian citizens (33%), Georgians (22.5%), Turks (13.9%) and Iranians (10.9%).

The simplification of visa issuing procedures at the airport for citizens of some countries, including Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Japan, China, South Korea, Malaysia and Singapore, in 2016 played an important role in the growth rates. In the past year, the number of tourists visiting Azerbaijan from these countries has largely grown.

Thus, in comparison with 2015, the number of tourists from Jordan to Azerbaijan has increased twice; from Kuwait - by 3.2 times, from Qatar – by 5.5 times, from Saudi Arabia and Oman – by 10 times, from the United Arab Emirates – by 22 times, from Iran - by 30 times. At the same time, there was a growth in tourist numbers from Asian, African, American countries and Australia.

According to TurSat ratings compiled according to data from the tourist offices of foreign countries, 740,000 tourists from Russia visited Azerbaijan in 2016, making our country one of the top ten destinations among Russian travelers.

A number of objective points contributed to such a marked development of recreational business. First of all, it is sufficient to popularize the country due to hold here for international competitions, events and exhibitions, sports competitions. Secondly, the devaluation of the national currency, manat, is advantageous for tourists. And, finally, the transition to post-oil phase of development of tourist industry helps solving problems much faster and more actively.

So, Azerbaijan Tourism Association has created the first time Baku tour desk to help with guide services for the tourists and training in this area. The bureau provides travel services in various languages ​​in Baku and regions.

As part of the order of President Ilham Aliyev "On additional measures for the development of tourism" Tourism Board is created, which is planning trade festivals, attracting new profitable international routes, the creation of the first professional specialized schools for tourism, new tourist and recreational areas, the development of beach tourism, ensure a rapid transition of foreigners and stateless persons through the checkpoints, the creation of the Registry of tourism, earned system ASAN Viza, making it easier to obtain visas to visit Azerbaijan, etc.

According to the adviser to the chairman of the Azerbaijan Tourism Association (AzTA) Muzaffer Agakerimov, the establishment of tourism infrastructure, construction of hotels, cancellation of licenses, the transition to a simplified visa regime, ASAN Viza, etc. create conditions for the development of tourism. "Previously, a tourist had to go through certain procedures to obtain a visa. But now they use electronic visas. After the application of electronic visas, the number of tourists interested in Azerbaijan has increased. Even tourists from such distant countries as Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, India, and Pakistan show interest to our country. Therefore, Azerbaijan also expects arrival of tourists from these countries", said M.Agakerimov.

According to him, this year Azerbaijan can host millions of tourists, and their main stream will begin in March, during the festival of Novruz, as evidenced by an early booking system in Baku and regions. "Basically tourists arrive from the Arab countries such as Iraq, the UAE, Qatar and Iran, and in the summer months, a growing number of tourists come from Russia. We also expect tourists from Kazakhstan interested in medical tourism." said Advisor to the AzTA Chairman. The numbers will increase significantly in May and June in view of two major international sporting events: Islamiada and Formula-1.

However, the actors of the travel market recognize that a number of events is necessary to further develop the industry. For example, the head of Azerbaijan Tourism Association Nahid Bagirov considers appropriate the increase of the number of direct flights from priority countries to ensure the availability of prices for flights and accommodation facilities, construction of hostels, one-star and two-star hotels, providing certain benefits to companies specializing in foreign tourism . In addition, tourists, along with the beautiful nature, unique culture, rich history, cuisine, and very interested in the Caspian Sea. In the summer season, it is necessary to use the maximum potential of the Caspian Sea, to organize boat trips, to develop tourism in the islands.

By the way, the lack of accommodations for travelers with an average level of income is, according to N. Bagirov, the main reason for their refusal of Azerbaijan to neighboring Georgia.

"Unfortunately, this segment in Azerbaijan has not received development. Today in Georgia, you can find a hotel for $30 per day. Therefore, many immediately think that the prices are lower. This is not true. The problem is we do not have guesthouses and two-star hotels," said the expert.

In 2016, Georgia became one of the most popular tourist destinations, and the total number of foreigners who visited the country last year, reached 6.3 million, which is 449.7 thousand (7.6%) more than in 2015, and the total income from tourism for the first time the independence of Georgia exceeded $2 billion.

It also should be noted that, according to the chairman of the Association of Hotels and Restaurants Samir Dubendi only 127 of 550 hotels operating in Azerbaijan are have "stars". According to the monitoring of the association, 26 of them have 5 stars, 66 - 4, 26 - 3, and only 2 have 2 stars. Of course, the last two just ridiculously low figure for Azerbaijan. It is possible that there are also non-certified hotels, the prices of which are acceptable enough, but the travel agency, as a rule, are afraid to work with such objects, so they can usually rely only on domestic tourists.

In addition to hotels, there is another important factor - the food. "In Georgia, the prices in restaurants are three times lower than in Azerbaijan. Obviously, these factors make the Georgian market cheaper for tourists", admits N. Bagirov.

However, apart from the high costs of restaurants, Azerbaijan also lacks the originality and diversity, other main factors attracting foreign fans of the local cuisine. For example, it is very rare to find "halal brands" in cafes or restaurants of Baku so important for tourists from the Muslim countries, or special children's or diet menu for those with certain health problems.

Perhaps, government intervention is required in the form of temporary tax or other benefits to the subjects of tourist industry, favorable loans for the construction of new low-priced hotels to solve some problems.

In any case, it is obvious that the tourism business in Azerbaijan is very profitable. It is unlikely to find empty hotels, restaurant, leisure and entertainment centers on holidays. Therefore, the faster and better develops this sphere, the more is the revenue attracted to the state treasury ensuring stable influx of funds from the non-oil sector. After all, Turkey was able to do this, earning $22 billion only from tourism last year despite all political and economic problems...