The actor Aliabbas Gadirov did not have unfinished roles, but his life ended too early
Author: Zohra FARAJOVA Baku
Aliabbas Gadirov was born on February 13, 1946. He was the second child in the family with eight more siblings. Originally, they were from Khizi but later moved to Baku. He spent his childhood during the hungry post-war years but thanks to his father Gulu, who had worked in the railway system, they did not feel the need.
According to his son Ilham, Aliabbas Gadirov used to love telling stories from his childhood years: “From his conversations, I concluded that the father had been a stubborn, honest and determined person since his childhood. He did not look for an easy life and was not afraid of work. He had started earning for living since his childhood. The women of Khizi were famous for their bread. Although my grandmother lived in the city, she had not forgotten the traditions. Like most of her fellows from Khizi, she had been baking the bread also. And my father was selling this bread in the market.”
A gifted actor
At high school, Aliabbas has shown an interest in the humanities thanks to his teacher of literature Dilshad-khanum. He acted in performances put on stage in the drama club organized by the school. His teacher knew about his acting talent and entrusted the leading roles to him. He had played Haji Gara in the self-titled comedy and Vagif in Vagif. In the 8th grade, he joined the drama club directed by actor Agadadash Gurbanov, which was close to the 26 Baku Commissars Park (now Sahil Bagi). He had worked there for two years. His family's financial situation had improved much by that time. Aliabbas’s father had a grocery shop and wished to see his son as a doctor. Gadirov went to drama club, played roles in productions and, under the charm of the scene, tied their dreams and desires with the theater. Everyone who saw his performance, especially Agadadash Gurbanov was impressed by his acting talent and supported young actor’s aspirations.
Aliabbas had already made his choice - he wanted to be an actor. But he was afraid of his father. He knew that he had a tough character. For his father, even a visit to the theatre was humiliating. He could hardly agree with the choice of his son. Therefore, Aliabbas was hiding anything related to the theatre from him, even his participation in the drama club. However, when Aliabbas began attending Agadadash Gurbanov’s drama circle, his father suspected something. One day, he followed him. When Aliabbas entered the building, the father had followed him. Agadadash Gurbanov saw him entering the club and called Gulu-kishi asking him about the reason of his visit. He pointed at his son and said: “He is coming here to do acting. I want him to become a doctor.” Agadadash Gurbanov said: “Aliabbas will become a good actor. He has talent. I will promote him. Your efforts to dissuade him are in vain. “
The conversation took some time. Both were unwilling to change their opinion and to retreat. At the end, Gulu kishi left the club somewhat offended at Agadadash Gurbanov. In the evening, when both the father and son were at home, he told Aliabbas not to attend the club any more.
“You will become a good actor”
In 1965, Aliabbas Gadirov graduated from the high school. Now he had to choose a profession. He wished to apply to the Theatre Institute (now the Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts) but did not dare. He knew that his father would be against it. But he did not want to choose another profession. Thus he went to his uncle Balagardash and explained him the situation asking for help. The uncle supported his choice: “Do not worry, bring me the documents, I'll submit them to the Theatre Institute.”
So, Aliabbas Gadirov has secretly applied for the university, which he had dreamed of. In 1965, he enrolled the faculty of theater and film actors of the Azerbaijan State Theatre Institute. His mentors were the People's Art Worker of Azerbaijan, Professor Mehdi Mammadov and the Honored Art Worker Mukhlis Janizadeh.
The student years made him love his profession even more passionately. He became a regular actor of the training theater of the Institute. He performed interesting roles in Aydın, Azər, Təbilçi qız. On his last year at the Institute, Mehdi Mammadov invited him to take the role of Yusif in the tragedy Xəyyam staged at the Academic Drama Theatre. He worked on the role with gusto. Finally, on March 12, 1970 was a premiere. The day, which Aliabbas Gadirov was waiting with great excitement. He told his mother: “Take the father to come and watch the show.” Already Gulu-kishi knew that his son was studying at the Theatre Institute, he could not bear the thought that his son would be an actor. He often requested his son to forget about his profession. He was persuaded long before going to the theater. Send theater reluctant, all kind expressing their dissatisfaction, Gulu-kishi was soon to follow with interest the progress of the play. And at this moment Aliabbas Gadirov entered the scene as Yusif the Knight. Father continued to silently follow the action. At the end of his daughter Zarifa-khanum looked at her father and saw tears streaming from his eyes. Before the final output of the actors on stage to greet the audience father suddenly stood up and left the salon, without saying a word. When we returned home, they saw still crying Gulu-kishi. He admitted: “I did not want to go on stage his son, who has a talent.” When Aliabbas Gadirov came home, his father told him: “You will become a good actor. I did not know about it. I dreamed only of you to become one of the best in their profession. When I am watching a play in which you played, Superbad, and for you, and for themselves. He began to reproach himself for, that did not allow you to become an actor.” For the first time seeing so convulsed his son play on the stage, oddly enough, Gulu kishi later stopped going to the theater. Not even to the performances of his son.
The lucky actor
Aliabbas Gadirov had new horizons before his life path. Yusif became his first exam, which he passed successfully. The young actor has successfully passed through this trial and with even greater zeal he continued his studies. After graduation in 1970, Mehdi Mammadov invited him to the Azerbaijan State Academic Drama Theatre. On April 6, 1970, he became an actor of the Theater. As a rule, the graduates of the Theatre Institute were first sent to work in the regions. Aliabbas Gadirov was well aware that the work in such a prestigious theater immediately after the graduation is a happiness that not everyone gets. This further increases its responsibility.
He married while still being a student, in 1969. A year later his son Ilham was born. Then he had two daughters. He was a caring head of the family, a great father. From the memoirs of Ilham Gadirov: “Some actors do not like to see children walking in their footsteps. My father did not mind that I went his way. One day he said to me: “If you dream of becoming an actor, be one of the best.” I replied that I could not become such an actor like him. He answered: “If you want, you will become better than me.” However, the frequent presence next to the father, visiting performances with his participation was not enough, so I chose this profession. Perhaps the reason for that was my overly serious attitude to this profession and what I thought her very lofty, unattainable. My sisters, Gultekin and Gulchin, did not go in the footsteps of our father. But all of us are very fond of the theater.”
Given the spectrum of Aliabbas Gadirov’s works, the actor was lucky in life. He had very interesting roles including Yusif in Xəyyam, Pronya in Велениевремени, Vəli in Xırs-quldurbasan, İlyas in Aydın, Givi in Неволнуйся, мама! Lieutenant and Nijat in Mahnı dağlarda qaldı, a photographer in Слава, илиЗабытыйчеловек, Sharif in Məhəbbət əfsanəsi, Seyid Huseyn in Xurşudbanu Natəvan, Vasif in Iblis and many others.
Many roles, he also played in the performances in Azerbaijani state television, which are stored in the Golden Fund: Laçın yuvası (Jahangir), Təkan (Dilgam), Atayevlər ailəsində (Jahangir), Hacı Qara (Heydar-bey), Bəxtsiz cavan (Farhad), etc.
For many years he has been leading the youth program Məşəl (“Torch”). Although Aliabbas Gadirov was a dramatic actor on television, he also led another favorite program Komediyalar aləminə səyahət (“Journey into the world of comedy”).
Aliabbas Gadirov was also a famous film actor. His first role in a feature film was Imran Zahidov in Xatirələr sahilində (“On the bank of memories”, 1972). Then there were Ata in Nəğmə dərsi (“Singing lesson”), Vagif in Nə yaxşı ki, dünyada Səməd Vurğun var (“It's good that the world has Samad Vurgun”), Mənsur in Bizim evin kişisi (“The man of our house”), etc. For his role of Nazim film director Eldar Guliyev’s two-part feature film Sevinc buxtası (“Bay of joy”), he was awarded the State Prize of the Republic of Azerbaijan. For merits in the field of theater and film in 1982, he was awarded the honorary title of the Honored Artist, and in 1989, the People's Artist.
Says Ilham Gadirov, “Father agreed not to perform every role he was offered. Even in his youth, he played villain Balash in the play Sevil. It was one of his greatest roles. And he played it so skillfully, that causes the viewer hate this character. And some playing negative characters refused. Even if it were starring. For example, in the play the girl loves a boy, and it likes another guy. In his youth, my father set a condition: either I will play the role of someone like me, or none. He also refused to play the roles of the cowardly characters striking in the back, or those against whom there was a lot of abuse. Such failures have created problems for him with some directors. But my father remained unconvinced. Most of the problems he had with Tofig Kazimov. I do not know what happened between them but I think it was not that serious. Later, he offered him the role. But something hurt my father deeply, and he has not played in a set Tofig Kazimov performances until the end of life. “
Aliabbas Gadirov was lucky enough not only to play many memorable roles in theater and film, but also to become the head of the Azerbaijan State Academic National Drama Theatre. On December 26, 2001, he was appointed the Art Director and Director of the Theatre.
He was very fond of the talented young people. He had his own students too. He was happy to see their success. He had many wishes associated with the theater. But the relentless disease suddenly got in the way... Gadirov has serious health problems. But, even being sick, he continued to go to the theater and perform on the scene. He did not have unfinished performances. After the role of Haji Zeynalabdin Taghiyev Ali Amirli’s The Philanthropist, he no longer took on new roles.
Finally, he learned that he was sick. He knew that his disease was incurable. Aliabbas Gadirov passed at the age of 60 on March 8, 2006, and sunk into the Oblivion leaving his name in the memory of the theater and cinema fans...