13 March 2025

Thursday, 02:52


Mikayil HAJIYEV: "Jovdat Hajiyev refined both the musical and artistic taste of his students"



On June 18th, we will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the outstanding Azerbaijani composer, People's Artist of Azerbaijan Jovdat Hajiyev.

He has played an important role in the development of the national art. Jovdet Hajiyev is one of the founders of the Azerbaijani symphony, who composed the first symphony in the East. He is the author of patriotic opera Vatan (together with Gara Garaev), composed works for string quartet, piano, chorus, etc. Jovdat Hajiyev has authored eight symphonies, a symphonic poem Sülh uğrunda! (1951), suite Azerbaijan, and a symphoniette. The eighth symphony by Jovdat Hajiyev Onu zaman seçib was co-authored by Farida Laman and dedicated to the outstanding political figure, the national leader of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev. The name of Hajiyev in the Azerbaijani musical art is often associated with the development of symphonic music, the formation and development of the genre of the national symphony, where the merits of the composer are especially great. In addition to his mainstream symphonic music, he created wonderful chamber, instrumental, vocal, and choral works.

Hajiyev was a professor of the Conservatory, laureate of the State Prize of the USSR. In 1960, he was awarded the title of People's Artist of Azerbaijan SSR.

In 1957-1969 Jovdat Hajiyev was the rector of the Azerbaijan State Conservatory, and also worked as an art director at the Muslim Magomayev Azerbaijan State Philharmonic Society. He was awarded the orders of Honor, Red Banner of Labor, October Revolution, Lenin, Shohret and many medals for his outstanding achievements in the development of the national musical culture.

In 2017, President Ilham Aliyev signed a decree on holding the 100th anniversary of Jovdat Hajiyev. Memorable events are held throughout the country in his honor. Commemoration ceremonies are also held in various concert halls of the world.

In May, an opening ceremony of the international festival dedicated to the anniversary of the famous composer was held with great success in the famous Carnegie Hall in New York. This transcontinental festival Land of Fire on the Silk Road named after Jovdat Hajiyev and a legendary Azerbaijani dancer and choreographer Amina Dilbazi, his wife, will tour the leading countries of the West, starting from the USA, Great Britain and Canada, and will finish in the East - in India and China. Concerts in the ancient historical city of Azerbaijan and Jovdat Hajiyev’s place of birth, Shaki, will be of particular significance. It is noteworthy that Hajiyev’s patriotic oratorio Vatan, solemn ode Onu zaman seçib, as well as heroic symphony in the memory of the defenders of Azerbaijan died in Karabakh will be performed in Shaki.

The famous Azerbaijani pianist Adelia Aliyeva has initiated an international competition in France and Switzerland for the best performance of piano works by Jovdat Hajiyev.

Jovdat Hajiyev’s student, an author of a remarkable monography about the composer Adila Yusufova contributed to the 100th anniversary of the outstanding composer by holding creative events in Georgia.

As acknowledged by the greatest contemporary composer Dmitry Shostakovich, Jovdat Hajiyev "is not only an outstanding symphonist, but also is my creative heir."

Recently a commemorative event was held in Baku for children at music school No. 3. The author's immortal works were sounded that evening not only in the live performance of the students, but also in the video recordings – Fortepiano üçün ballada, Mərdanın ariyası, songs and choruses from the opera Vətən, and also a fragment of the dance of the queen of Azerbaijani choreography by Amina Dilbazi .

Musicologists told about the life and work of the great composer. His fame and the significance of his music served as a basis for publishing the composer's works in the UK and the US.

Despite the excitement around the international festival of Jovdat Hajiyev, which originated from the famous Carnegie Hall, we have been able to talk with the younger son of the composer, the honorary artist of the Niagara Festival, the assistant professor of the chamber ensemble of the Baku Musical Academy Mikayil Hajiyev. He told us about the life and work of his father and their friendly family.

Dad was born on June 18, 1917 in Nukha (Sheki) in the family of an artisan. Later, his family moved to Baku where he learned to play a violin, got acquainted with the great Uzeyir Hajibayov, who insisted, together with the composer Gara Garaev, to take his first studies in Baku, and then And the Moscow Conservatory.

What symphonies are especially prominent in your father's creative heritage?

This is the third symphony Müəllimə ithaf (dedicated to Shostakovich), the fifth symphony İnsan, Yer, Kosmos, the eighth symphony Onu zaman seçib, and the seventh symphony dedicated to the events of January 20, to the martyrs.

Jovdat-muallim was the rector of the Conservatory during 1957-1969. What changes have taken place during this period?

He has boldly put forward young teachers, restored the chair of Azerbaijani folk music, opened the organ class, for which specialists from Germany were invited. In the sixties of the last century, three Transcaucasian competitions were held to improve the qualifications of the musicians, which brought tremendous benefits to the republic.

What was he like as an educator?

Magnificent! He trained 70 students, among them the Soviet and Azerbaijani composer, People's Artist of Azerbaijan Agshin Alizadeh, composer Nazim Aliverdibayov, Azerbaijani composer, teacher, People's Artist of Azerbaijan Ramiz Mirishli, composer, People's Artist of Azerbaijan Eldar Mansurov and others. Eldar Mansurov said that at the entrance examinations at the conservatory the name of his teacher caused admiration among the entrants. After all, the maestro instilled in the love and taste of students not only to music, but also to fine art in general, relying on the traditions of the great Uzeyir-bek, did not forget about ashug and folklore music in different styles, and primarily about the world classics. One day my father was asked: "At what age can we start learning music?" He replied: "Sometimes a child can demonstrate his abilities at a later stage of his life." For this reason, the great Verdi at first was not even admitted to the musical school.

How was your father in his life? Was he demanding and strict as in work?

He was often thoughtful, deep in creative thoughts, even a little bit harsh, but he was very fond of his family, a cheerful and sunny mother, on whom the mood of the whole family, two sons-musicians and two daughters depended. Mom - a brilliant dancer, the head of the ensemble "Chinar", was the mainstay of the family, inspired not only the Pope, but all of us. We lived in the House of Actors and Rashid Behbudov often visited us, who taught us to draw a treble clef with the words: "When you become real artists, you will reveal the secret who taught you this." And the artist Mikayil Abdullayev, the author of a joint portrait of our parents, taught us the name of violin strings.

Together with your elder brother, composer and wonderful conductor, Honored Art Worker Ismail Hajiyev, you widely promote Azerbaijani music and mugham all over the world, beginning with the great Uzeyir Hajibeyov and ending with Vagif Mustafazadeh.

My brother and father helped to organize the Ilham Chamber Orchestra, which performed and gained fame in many countries of the world, promoting the best examples of Azerbaijani music. For example, my father's compositions, Fikret Amirov's Nizami Symphony, Chahargah Mugham and other masterpieces, conquering true music lovers abroad. For various reasons, this beautiful orchestra has ceased to exist.

Similar to Ilham Orchestra, we have established the Silk Road Chamber Orchestra. We hold the Days of Azerbaijani Culture together with the artistic director of the festival, Professor Atis Bankas in Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal , Washington, New York and other cities of North America thanks to the assistance of our embassy in Canada and the Ministry of Culture of Azerbaijan. The best artists of the world usually perform with the Silk Road Orchestra. For example, American singer Sevinj-Alexandria Sultanzade sang a fragment from the symphonic poem of my fatherç Rose of the Peace, with the lyrics dedicated to the famous scientist Aida Imanguliyeva. It was performed in the American JFK Center in Washington. Valery Gergiyev, a great contemporary conductor, artistic director and chief conductor of the Mariinsky Theater of St. Petersburg, took part in the jubilee concert of Jovdat Hajiyev. Then the anniversary celebrations will be held in Washington, London, Vienna, Toronto, Niagara, Miami, and Azerbaijan.

Today, Canada is a country of ideal organization, a country of peace and harmony, where culture, music, and art flourish. Thanks to the assistance of the Azerbaijani and Turkish diasporas, we have organized a strong pro-Azerbaijani lobby, which includes high-ranking officials, parliamentarians, mayors of cities, governors who love our music and regularly attend all the cultural events of the Niagara Festival. Our sculptor Eldar Omarov became the ambassador of good will of Niagara, and after a successful exhibition, Tahir Salahov was awarded the Order of St. George.

My elder brother Ismail Hajiyev is one of the leading promoters of symphonic music and ancient mugham in Canada. He is a chairman of the international Silk Road Committee, Niagara Music, as well as the president of Heydar Aliyev Center in Canada. We have a great historical mission to achieve that the masterpieces of Azerbaijani symphonic music, in which a unique musical synthesis of Eastern and Western traditions live together, will be included in the repertoire of the leading conductors and symphony orchestras of the world, regularly performed at the most prestigious music festivals and concert halls of the world. Next we intend to hold jubilee concerts in Washington, London, Vienna, Toronto, Niagara, Miami and other cities.

How did your elder brother, Ismail Hajiyev, became a conductor after graduating Gara Garayev’s class with honors?

My mother's cherished dream to see my son as a conductor was fulfilled, but at that time, there was no faculty for opera and symphony conducting in Baku. It was almost impossible to do this in Moscow and Leningrad. Therefore, on the orders of Heydar Aliyev, the best Azerbaijani musicians were sent to Moscow and Leningrad to study conducting. Ismail studied at I. E. Musin’s class. Thanks to his concerts, Ismail attracted the attention of the famous conductor E. A. Mravinsky, who had invited him to his home and had taken his as his own assistant.

Thank you for your time! We wish you all the best during this procession and the Niagara Festival!