19 December 2024

Thursday, 13:14


Specialist in the Asylum Law, Professor Bruce Leimsidor: “With very few exceptions the incidents of terrirism in the last few years have been perpetrated by EU nationals or permanent residents”



The European migration crisis is one of the most publicly discussed issues along with the fight against the Islamic State. The term European migration crisis dates back to early 2015, when Europe encountered an unprecedented increase in the number of refugees from Africa and the Middle East. This problem has economic and cultural background due to intermingling of the two completely opposite cultures of the East and the West. The people leave their homes and countries for various reasons such as the fight against terrorists, poor economic conditions and absence of opportunities to enjoy the life without deprivation and poverty in the home country. The reactions and attitudes of people to the migration crisis are also different. Some believe that it can weaken Europe economically, demographically and culturally, while the others consider the migrants very dangerous due to the increased incidences of violence, terrorism and other types of criminal acts. Yet another group of people thinks that the migration poses no danger and that the authorities will take everything under full control soon. The solutions to this problem are also different: some countries like Hungary argue that the borders must be closed, while the other countries disagree with this approach. After all, the issue of migrants concerns not only Europe. The United States has also tightened its migration policy.

What can be the consequences of the ongoing events? What precautions should the leaders of states take in this situation? How does this affect the perception of Europeans? Do we need to implement radical measures? “R+” asked these and other questions to a specialist in the Asylum Law, Professor of the Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Bruce Leimsidor.  

According to the statistical analysis data provided by the German Federal Employment Agency, 43.3% of the unemployed in Germany (2.6 million people) are migrants (December 2016). Does it imply that the migrants come to Germany mainly to make ‘easy money’ such as the social allowance? How can this affect the national economy of Germany?  

Germany began integration programs for immigrants very late, and did not really pressure migrants to learn German so they could be employable until 2010-11. Hence, there is a large population of migrants who are, for all intents and purposes, unemployable. Moreover, the German guest worker program, of the 1960s and1970s recruited rural people from Turkey, who were even functionally illiterate in Turkish. They later brought their families from rural Anatolia, who were unprepared for urban, industrialized life.  

Islamophobia in European countries is growing. Great Britain is a striking example of such infamous sentiments. The recent attack on one of the mosques in London is directly related to Islamophobia. How much is the discontent of the population growing? Can you confirm that the ultra-right ideas are regaining public popularity in European countries?  

Exploitative migration, although emphasized by the xenophobic parties, is less of a problem than the large non integrated or non integrabile population who is in Europe because of irresponsible recruitment policies. Xenophobia, and more specifically islamophobia is certainly a growing problem. It is made even worse by the German government's trying to justify its open door refugee policy by saying that Germany needs the labor. This raised expectations of the German population. But the migrants were of a much lower educational level than expected, and integrate much more slowly. The heightened expectations that the government lead the population to have of the migrants increased the resistance to the migrants.  

How justified is the closing of national borders as far as the public security is concerned? Does closing the borders for refugees guarantee reduced risks for the penetration of dangerous elements?

Yes. There is no indication that there is increased tolerance, even with the lower intake numbers produced by the blockage of the Aegean route and closing of the Balkan borders. With very few exceptions the incidents of terrirism in the last few years have been perpetrated by EU nationals or permanent residents. The security issue is just a subterfuge.

Austria closed its borders with Italy and pulled the armored vehicles to its borders. What is the reason for such a sharp move? After all, Austria was one of the first countries ready to host a large number of refugees together with Germany.

Look at the more recent development in Austrian politics. The radical right almost won the presidency, and the Center Right politician who became prime minister had adopted man of the migration policies of the radical right.  

What do you think about the U.S.’s migration policy?

There is perhaps slightly more truth in the US fear that the migrants take US citizens' jobs than is the case in Europe. In Europe, the resistance is more cultural than economic or practical. On the other hand, many industries, most specifically farming, could not exist in the US without immigration.

Can we say that the flow of migrants to Europe may completely change the demographic, ethno-cultural component of Europe in the future and we will see the emergence of a new nation?

I think that because of serious political resistance, And willingness ofEU to violate human rights accords, blocking access to the EU, the possibilities of a major population shift, at least in the next 100 years, is very low.