Exhibition dedicated to the 90th anniversary of extraordinary sculptor Tokay Mammadov was held in Baku
Author: Valentina REZNIKOVA
Tokay was the name of the boy born in the family of the first female sculptor Ziver Najafgulu Taghiyeva and candidate of technical sciences Habib Mammadov. Just listen how it sounds: To-kay! This rare and beautiful name translates into Russian as "a striking warrior". Fortunately, the boy’s name has not determined his future path; otherwise, the art would lose a talented artist. In fact, the art has determined Tokay’s character: persistent and purposeful. Tokay practically grew up in the art workshop of his mother, since childhood absorbing not only the smell of paints and plaster, but also the style and life of an artist, which shaped his creativity. For him, to be an artist was like breathing.
The gifted sculptor
Sabsay, whose workshop Tokay liked to visit as a child, says that the boy had a taste for fine arts: "Tokay was gifted by nature. Once he brought me his first independent composition The Knight in Panther's Skin. I saw his desire for originality and began directing his talent, communicating with him, as with a colleague." (P. Sabsay).
Professionally, Tokay made his first steps in fine arts and reflecting the world between the workshops of his mother and Sabsay.
A few years ago, when we were writing an article about his mother, Tokay Habibovich mentioned unintentionally how he used to play with playdough and gypsum as a child at his mother's studio. Gradually, he has got involved in this fascinating world of sculpting. However, he could have become a painter. His drawing skills were perfect. But the drawing was not so fascinating and attracting as the texture of material, which helps to realize the dreams in volume. Drawings on plane surface were not the same as volumetric figurines made of plaster, wood or stone. Hence his choice of sculpting.
After receiving secondary education, T. Mammadov entered the Baku Art College and in 1945, was admitted to the sculpture department of the Ilya Repin Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (Leningrad), which he graduated from in 1951. He studied at such great masters as A. T. Matveyev, M. A. Kerzin, V. B. Pinchuk. Tokay Mammadov was awarded the USSR State Prize for the monument to Mashadi Azizbayov (Baku, 1977), State Premium of the Azerbaijan SSR (1982) for the 11th Red Army monument (Baku, 1980), the, and the silver medal of the USSR Academy of Arts for the Fuzuli monument (Baku, 1962).
Tokay Mammadov is a sculptor-monumentalist, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Arts and the Russian Academy of Arts, laureate of state prizes of the USSR and Azerbaijan, Chevalier of the Shohrat Order, national artist, and professor, who has brought fame to Azerbaijani fine arts and put himself on record of the history of Azerbaijan.
Embracing the immense
On July 18, the Master turned 90 years old. Recently, his personal exhibition dedicated to the anniversary of the eminent master was held in the Center of Fine Arts. Organized by the Museum Center of Fine Arts of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the exhibition included a selection of Tokay Mammadov’s works – portraits and monumental sculptures. Obviously, it would be impossible to accommodate all the sculptor's works in the gallery! Therefore, most of them were represented in photos, mostly monumental works of the artist. Those that adorn the urban landscape. Although some of them are no longer available as they were dismantled. But it would be nice to exhibit the ‘rejected historical characters’ such as Azizbayov on an individual space...
"Sculptures must express the state of the soul" (Socrates)
Virtually, one can feel the state of Tokay Mammadov’s soul in all his creations. He is a researcher of the spiritual and moral component of many people associated with creativity such as Chopin, Khayyam Mirzazadeh, Uzeyir Hajibayov, Nizami, Fuzuli, Sabir, Mozart, Mirza Ibrahimov. Writers, composers, artists. This interest is one of the ways of exploring the nature of creativity as a spiritual and moral phenomenon. The sculptor is looking for an instant the sacred idea originated in literature, music, and visual arts. It is the same spiritual and moral component the Master is seeks in the images of ordinary people.
Here is the Seated Girl. Her pose, her look, her expression speak of complete harmony with the world around her and herself.
Shirali Muslimov. It is enough to read the title of the monument to guess the age of the long-lived man. But his face shines with a mischievous smile. He is happy because he has lived in harmony with his conscience. Tokay Mammadov is extremely interested in people of heroic character and destiny. The extraordinary people with the power of persuasion and courage, able to lead the others.
Farhad. A literary hero who performed an astounding feat for his love, Shirin. He fights against the rock free of any doubts about the righteousness of his actions and the successful completion of his journey. Idea, purpose, love are the powers that make a person an individual.
Fidel Castro. He is a legend, he is a myth. Hard and confident look, strong-willed chin. The artist explores the personality of the leader who knows how to take his idea to masses and knows exactly what he wants from this world.
Portrait of an Artist. The lips are tightly compressed, inquisitive eyes are looking into the space, head is slightly inclined to the left shoulder. It seems that the artist is about to say something and laugh at his thought or the seen in the distance. There is a sense of self-irony, introspection, critical bias towards oneself.
Sabir. The poet's hands lie on his notebook. Looking forward, he is absorbed in himself. This inner contemplation is very important for him: the process of the birth of thought is flowing into poetic lines. The moment of unity of the artist and the world.
Nizami. Poet’s right hand is attached to the lower part of his face. His gaze is directed downwards. He does not look at us. We found him in a state of mournful meditation. What is in his mind? Thoughts about the imperfection of our world? Lost love? His son? An artist’s responsibility to the world?
Sculptor Tokay Mammadov turned 90 years old. Literally, almost 70 of them are devoted to creative research of life. Because a person is a mirror of life. Whatever happens to him, be it bad or good, sublime or sordid desires, is also a part of life with its moral laws, philosophical rethinking, search for truth...
The artists are chosen mortals. They are able to hear the world, even the subtle vibrations in it, and to transfer the caught information to us. Tokay Mammadov is one of such conductors between us and the highest idea of the universe. The exhibition of his works is an evidence of his virtues.