Labour, Rest and Dreams: a brilliant reflection of time in the paintings of Azerbaijani artists of the socialist realism
Author: Allanna LESKENLI
The museum of Azerbaijani Paintings of the 20th-21st Centuries held an exhibition titled Labour, Rest and Dreams. The exhibition presented the works of Azerbaijani artists of the Soviet period that represent the artistic heritage of the Azerbaijani people. Perhaps it was the first time in the post-Soviet period when these artists have been brought together. To see the creativity of great artist is always a pleasure. The exhibition will be open until January 6, 2019.
Absheron avant-gardism and many other things
For art historians it is an opportunity to see and analyse the emergence of new trends in the artistic process of Azerbaijan and in the works of individual artists. For us it is a reflection of Time, which is somehow depicted on these canvases. Those who wish to spend their free time among these paintings should know that they have a unique opportunity to see the rare works of our authors who have been taken out to light from the museum's storerooms. Some works are rarely exhibited. For example, Magsud Taghiyev’s Construction of Baku.
Our guide Nargiz Abdurahmanova conducted a fascinating excursion for visitors letting us know that among the representatives of the socialist realism were also prominent representatives of the "non-Soviet art" of the Soviet period of Azerbaijan. For instance, representatives of the school of Absheron avant-gardism. For example, Nadir Abdurahmanov (Morning) and Javad Mirjavadov (Improvisation on oriental miniatures). It is rumoured that Javad, fearing the arrest of his works because of "anti-Soviet" content, buried them in the sands of Absheron but then could not find the place of the secret burial. However, every picture at the exhibition, like its author, has its own interesting story. If you are not in hurry to pass through all the halls together with the guide, you will hear many interesting and factual details from the life of each canvas and its author. And then once again you will understand that you are living in a country of very talented people gifted to open for us the space of the surrounding world!
Even now, many years later, looking at works of socialist realism, you realize that in reality time was not so bad for those we see on canvases! For example, in the works of Ashraf Murad (Our Girls, Musicians), Igor Zhuk (Portrait of a Collective Farmer, Portrait of a Fisherman), Mikayil Abdullayev (Maiden's Tower, Lake in the Mountains), Taghi Taghiyev (Breakfast), etc.
The works of socialist realism artists, whose work is represented by portrait painting, deserve special mentioning. We have a chance to see the state of the soul and the true characters of such celebrities as Sattar Bahlulzade (by Boyuk-agha Mirzazadeh), Elmira Shahtakhtinskaya (by Altay Sadikhzadeh), the first female artist Maral Rahmanzadeh (by Khalid Safarova)...
The variety of schools, trends, methods and techniques of this period show that author's artistic thought developed independently of the rigid guidelines of socialist realism, introducing that unique note of pronounced individualities into the Soviet art of Azerbaijan, which became a component of the gold fund of national fine arts.
Therefore, the works of various artists like Toghrul Narimanbeyov and Tahir Salahov, Ujal Hagverdiyev and Boyuk-agha Mirzazadeh, Gena Brizhatuk and Kayur Yunus (the Ghajar miniature school), etc., easily and organically coexist in the halls of the museum.
Mardakan landscapes by Brizhatuk impress with a positive, despite a hidden, sadness (perhaps pain, a mental wound). He is infinitely kind to this world. He is wise and tolerant. He is one great loving heart. Therefore, his landscapes are an anthem to a small and large homeland that seems to be just a tiny bit in a gigantic universe, under this bright southern sun, and therefore especially fragile, valuable and beloved.
Sattar Bahlulzadeh. It is a surprisingly poetic painting, which generates associations with the poetry of Natavan, Samed Vurgun and Hidayat Orujov, who sang the beauty of their land intermingled with patriotic feelings and endless and unselfish love.
War veteran
Rasim Babayev. This is a self-portrait, where you can see a grown-up bully guy, who, without feeling age, challenges those who might not like his desire not to comply with established rules, standards, ideas, norms. This is a hilarious shock, representing us as a barefoot hero-bully in a jacket and with garden scissors in his right hand. On the lapel of his jacket is an award. The veteran has not lost youthful maximalism! He has not lost his love for life and its joys. This veteran knows the price of everything deliberately ostentatious, and therefore so appreciates the natural manifestation of feelings and emotions!
This is a portrait made by Boyukagha Mirzazadeh. When you look at the beautiful features of a woman's face, the first thing that comes to mind: who is this? Does this portrait have a real prototype? And if there is, then where is she? Does this girl live in Baku and does she know that her portraits and amazing beauty after many years admire Baku residents and guests of the city? A married couple from Europe stood for a long time in front of this portrait together with our guide. The guide, brilliantly speaking in English, stayed with them for a long time explaining the details.
The representative of the Ghajar miniature school Kayur Yunus introduces young women. They are going to rest under the trees. This work bears associations with Pirosmani's works. At first glance, it resembles the traditions of primitivism in art. It turned out to be yet another Ghajar miniature. Thank you for this explanation, Nargiz! The expression of the eyes of young women and children, as well as the details including their rings, beads, a pattern on clothing fabrics draws our attention. In short, everything that gives an idea of the time, characters and relationships between the heroines of this plot.
We can talk about the exhibits for long time without ceasing to admire the authors and their time, so artistically exhibited the original talent of each of the artists. By the way, all of them, except for a few, are graduates of the Azim Azimzadeh Art College. Each of them is a bright personality: with an interesting look at the essence of things and problems of time, not the worst in the history of the formation and development of national fine arts. Because it was this time that gave us that marvellous fusion of professionalism, artistic thought, bold search for form, experimental creativity, which allowed the Azerbaijani fine art to confidently occupy a proper place in the visual arts of the world.
The museum was created by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, opened in 2015 and is located at the National Flag Square. We also would like to say big thanks to the organizers of this exhibition, including its curator Suad Garayeva-Maleki for the qualified training of art guides and the promotion of the cultural heritage of the nation.