12 March 2025

Wednesday, 13:27


Iran's ambassador to Azerbaijan Mohsen Pak Ayin answers questions put by Regionplus



- The Islamic Republic of Iran was formed on 11 February 1979. Let me start by congratulating you on your national day. In this connection, I would like to ask you what Iran has gained from the Islamic revolution?

Thank you for your congratulations. The revolution in Iran began under the     slogans of Islam and continues under these slogans until this day. This revolution is probably not just restricted to Iran and concerns all Muslims. There were considerable achievements at home and abroad after the revolution. One of the achievements at home was that during the shah's rule we did not have any freedoms. There was no freedom of speech, the press, conscience and even of religion. In spite of the fact that the majority of the population in the country are Shiites, not only Muslims have a place in the system of government, but also non-Muslims, people who do not adhere to Islamic norms and even Wahhabis. The country's fate was decided in other countries or in the embassies of these countries in Iran. Some of them told us what we should be doing. Our natural resources - oil and gas - were controlled by foreigners. They bought them up at low prices and sold them as consumer goods at higher prices.

I was working for an oil company on the Iranian island of Lavan before the revolution. This company was run by Americans, so it can be said that the Iranians were working for the Americans. We were not the owners of our own resources. Once a week the Iranian oil extracted was loaded onto an Israeli tanker. Israel was using this oil against Palestine. Everything was owned by people close to the shah's family, the rest of the population were very poor.

We staged the revolution under the slogans of independence, freedom and the Islamic Republic, headed by Ayatollah Khomeyni. Everyone took part in it because they were discontented. The shah was forced to flee. It is interesting that the countries that had been exporting our oil for decades with his permission, did not offer him asylum. He spent a few months going from country to country and in the end he passed away in solitude in Egypt. That was the fate of a dictator who had oppressed his people for long years.

Everything changed after the revolution. We managed to get rid of the "long arms" of foreign countries in Iran. We announced that we want to be on friendly terms with the whole world, but we would not permit our resources to be stolen and would not permit any other country to rule us. After the revolution we began to conduct an independent foreign policy, which caused us to be subject to many blows, since the Americans and the countries of the West waged a struggle against us.

After the Islamic revolution people acquired freedom. Before that there was only one party in the country; dozens of parties and political blocs were formed after the revolution. Elections were not free before the revolution. The shah had appointed some of the members of parliament and others were elected on his orders. Now we have free elections. At the present time they have already been held about 30 times. We consider ourselves to be one of the world's democratic countries. After the revolution, women, who had taken in part in all stages of it, found their place in society. Now women make up more than 50 per cent of the students in Iran. They work in all spheres of the economy. The number of newspapers and the size of their print runs have increased, and attention is paid to national and religious minorities. The economy is developing; the output in agriculture and other sectors has grown. We satisfy 80 per cent of our own needs in industrial goods and agricultural produce. We have developed nuclear power without any help from foreigners.

- Incidentally, one of the topical issues being discussed throughout the world is Iran's nuclear programme and the talks with "the six" intermediaries. Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has noted that a final agreement on the Iranian nuclear programme may be signed within six months. What do you think the prospects are for this agreement to be signed on the threshold of another round of talks in Vienna?

- I would say that we had reached an accord by the end of the long and serious talks with "the six". We convinced them that we do not have any additional intentions. Our Supreme Religious Leader has declared nuclear weapons to be "haram" [forbidden].

- Is a positive effect being felt from the partial lifting of the sanctions against Iran? Will it be sufficient to sign the above-mentioned agreement for the sanctions to be lifted completely or will additional steps be needed?

- At this moment the parties have reached an agreement on holding a second round of discussions and think that that will be sufficient. If they don't come to an agreement after that, then a third round may be conducted. If an agreement is reached during the second round, then all sanctions will be lifted completely.

- In spite of the thaw in relations with the Western countries there is still tension between Iran and Israel. How would Iran respond, if Israel were to take any kind of step to improve relations, just as the West has done? Can any improvement in relations with Israel, similar to what has taken place with the West, be expected in the very near future?

- The Islamic Republic of Iran does not recognise Israel as a state. The territory on which Israel is located is Palestinian land, and Israel has occupied it. We do have relations with Palestine. Since we do not recognise Israel, naturally we will never agree to establish relations with it.

- Iran's stance on the events in Syria is well known. But the situation in that country remains just as tense. What do you think, is it really worth Bashar al-Assad stepping down in order to stop the fratricidal war?

We cannot comment on the stepping down of Bashar al-Assad. That is up to the Syrian people. On the whole Syria's problem is not Bashar al-Assad. Syria is one of the states on the frontline in the fight against Israel. America believes it is its duty and obligation to provide Israel with security. This is precisely why America is creating problems for Syria. The issue of reform was only a pretext. Surely some of the other countries that are friends with America need reforming too, don't they? In general, there is not a single state in the world that does not need reforming. Why is America focussing so seriously on Syria? We believe that the Syrian state, people and opposition should resolve Syria's problems without the intervention of other countries. If a country needs reforming, does that give another country the right to attack it and change the government? America has forces and resources and thinks that it can interfere in the affairs of all the countries in the world. America has repeatedly suffered defeat as a result of that policy, but continues to pursue it all the same. It has lost in Afghanistan, although it went into that country with the help of all the NATO countries. And now the NATO countries are vying with each other as it were to see who can leave first.

 America went into Iraq, spent billions of dollars, lost hundreds of soldiers and withdrew when it lost. In the conflict that has been going on in Syria for three years, the USA is also the losing side. This is because they cannot acknowledge the strength of the people. They think that, in arming the terrorists, they can change the government by force of arms. Syria's biggest problem today is terrorism. Supported by the West and a number of other countries in the region, this terrorism represents a threat to the whole region. Russia, Syria and Iran are combating terrorism in the region. But powerful forces are supporting the terrorists, which is making this struggle more complicated. The whole of the world community should wage a committed struggle against terrorism.

- A report was recently circulated that people of non-Persian ethnicity will be given the right to be educated in their native tongue. Government representatives have stated that they will submit the appropriate draft law to parliament.  In your opinion, how realistic is it that this project will be implemented? What measures can be taken to ensure the national and cultural rights of non-Persian ethnic groups?

- Attention to the history, language and culture of the ethnic groups residing in Iran is one of the state's priorities. This is also mentioned in the Iranian constitution. At the present time, ethnic groups enjoy language and cultural freedoms in the areas where they live. Nevertheless, the cabinet of our new president, Dr. [Hassan] Rouhani, is paying great attention to this issue. The policy that they are pursuing is being perceived with great satisfaction.

- Iran officially expresses support for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.  Does this mean that Iran recognises that Armenia is an occupier?

- We think that the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia should be resolved by peaceful means through negotiations. Therefore we take a positive attitude to the talks between the presidents of the two countries aimed at resolving the conflict. The settlement of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan will have a big impact on regional security. The present state of affairs is undermining security in the region. Taking into account the recent events that have occurred, we are appealing for a tolerant attitude. We believe that the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict should be resolved, taking into account Azerbaijan's territorial integrity. 

- Tehran is among the critics of the OSCE [Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe] Minsk Group. What advantages, compared with the Minsk Group's co-chairing countries, can Iran offer as an intermediary between Azerbaijan and Armenia? Do you think that Iran can provide the necessary stimulus for the conflict to be resolved?

- As I have mentioned before, the key to the solution of the conflict is in the hands of Armenia and Azerbaijan. Other countries can only offer their advice.  For example, Iran can promote a rapprochement in the positions of Azerbaijan and Armenia, facilitating a solution of the problem by negotiations. We think that the OSCE Minsk Group cannot make any progress because it is not neutral. Iran, as a neutral state, can help in resolving the conflict. I shall reiterate that the conflict cannot be resolved unless Azerbaijan and Armenia want it to be.

- The Metsamor nuclear power plant in Armenia is another factor that poses a danger to the region. Does this issue worry Iran as it does Azerbaijan and Turkey? Has your country raised this issue on an international level?

- I do not have any precise information about this. Iran has not taken an official stand on this issue up to the present time.

- One of the issues restricting co-operation in the region is the undefined legal status of the Caspian Sea. Do you think this is likely to be resolved in the very near future?

- Each of the five Caspian Sea littoral countries is looking to its own interests. Since each country is only guarding its own interests, this issue is even more complicated and no outcome has been achieved. But the solution of this issue will promote the expansion of regional co-operation.

- Finally, it would be interesting to learn about the state of Lake Urmia.


- The drying out of that lake in the centre of the West Azerbaijan region is being strictly monitored by the Iranian government. Serious work is being carried out with regard to it. The situation has already improved. On the other hand, there has been more rainfall.