"The decision to recognize the NKR is nothing more than a PR exercise for the Armenian lobby" - Jason Katz
Author: Cinqiz MAMMADOV Baku
At the end of January the Los Angeles City Council unanimously adopted a resolution to recognize the separatist regime of Nagornyy Karabakh as an independent formation. Official Baku says this is an absurd decision because the US supports Azerbaijan's territorial integrity.
Jason Katz, an American political observer and a member of the Tool Shed Group analytical centre, shared with R+ his opinion of what this decision by the members of the City Council of Los Angeles, a city which is the citadel of the Armenian diaspora in the US, means.
- How would you comment on the resolution adopted by the Los Angeles City Council recognizing the separatist Nagornyy Ka-rabakh regime as an independent state?
- The Los Angeles City Council's "recognition" of the so called "Nagornyy Karabakh Republic" ("NKR") is inexplicable and more than a bit bizarre. The Los Angeles City Council exists and is chartered by the voters to deal with and conduct the business of the City of Los Angeles.
International affairs and the foreign policy of the United States of America are far and away off the mandate of the Los Angeles City Council and are utterly out of their realm, influence, power and knowledge.
I have worked with members of the Los Angeles City Council for many years, both as director of public affairs and public relations for the American Jewish Committee and as a private public relations professional. Some of the members are even my personal friends. Generallly, I have found the Council's members to be smart and professional folks. Collectively, they have on occasion run off the tracks, this issue included.
The "recognition" of the so-called "NKR" really means nothing and has no bearing on U.S. foreign policy. Did the council just mean to please and raise the mood of the Armenian lobby? Absolutely. It is a media moment for the Armenian lobby, but that is the end of it. As far as the rest of the world is concerned…to those who have even taken note of it…this action looks like a group of politicians influenced by the Armenian lobby, the results of which are not so good for the City Council as a whole.
- Doesn't it reflect position of the US authorities?
- Again, the Los Angeles City Council's resolution has no authority, credibility, or credence vis a vis American foreign policy. U.S. foreign policy is completely out of the council's realm and power.
The United States does not recognize the "NKR." For that matter, neither does the UN, EU or any international body. The only other entities that recognize the "NKR" in the world are Abkhazia and South Ossetia, themselves illegal breakaway regions of Georgia and vassals of Russia, much like Armenia itself. Armenia doesn't even recognize the "NKR." In fact, the U.S.'s official policy is to recognize the territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan, meaning that Nagornyy Karabakh and the districts surrounding it are officially part of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
- Won't this decision harm relations between Azerbaijan and California?
- I think this action and others like it do harm relations between Azerbaijan and U.S. municipalities and states. How are Azerbaijan and Azerbaijani-Americans supposed to react when these local bodies blindly support an entity that is internationally deemed illegal and that occupies about 20% of their nation?
It is the same as Jews in America feel about divestment in Israel. It is a betrayal due to misinformation, at best, promulgated by the Armenian lobby.
Azerbaijan is a close ally of the United States. Azerbaijani soldiers serve with U.S. and NATO troops in Afghanistan; Azerbaijan is a huge and integral transit hub for troops and materials headed to and from Afghanistan. Azerbaijan is most importantly an essential natural gas and oil producer, thus alleviating the West of the constraints of Russia and Iran.
What can be said of the importance of Nagornyy Karabakh? One, it belongs to Azerbaijan…not Armenia. Two, it is a brewing conflict with a U.S. and Israeli ally. Other than that, there is not much to say.
- How serious is the threat that this bad precedent will be followed by other states and the US Congress itself?
- Municipalities and local elected officials that have no expertise or experience and are not relying on all the facts are a danger. This is a shockingly close situation to U.S. municipalities seeking divestment with Israel. It is a matter of those who do not know getting involved in issues that harm others…to satisfy constituencies pushing a controversial agenda.
- The anniversary of tragic Xocali [Khojaly] massacre is approaching. What should be done to promote related resolutions in cities and states of the US on this issue and finally spread true information amongst American citizens?
- Xocali is, indeed, a historically documented event that is a black mark on mankind…in particular a black mark on Armenia and Russia.
Perhaps if Americans knew more about this tragic and horrifying massacre, local leaders such as the Los Angeles City Council would gather all the facts before making resolutions that recognize the unrecognizable.
I will say that that the Azerbaijani diplomatic missions in the U.S. do a good job of education.