15 March 2025

Saturday, 00:37


Azerbaijan may turn to Article 4 of the NATO Treaty



In early April, Baku hosted an international conference on the subject of "The role of NATO in shaping the geopolitical situation in and around the South Caucasus". R+ presents the readers with an interview with one of the rapporteurs of the event, Iulian Chifu, Presidential Counsellor for Strategic Affairs and International Security of the President of Romania..

- How do you evaluate the current level of Azerbaijan-Romania relations?

I think we are at a level of the excellent relations politically, in a strategic partnership on energy, preparing to boast the strategic projects Nabucco West and AGRI. We are considering and promoting altogether a project of transportation in a Black Sea-Caspian Sea link from Central Asia towards Rotterdam via the two seas and the channel Danube-Mein-Rhin, via the very heart of Europe. At the same time, we are also looking at a comprehensive East-West Corridor Black Sea Caspian Sea that would mean different tracks from energy corridor, transportation Corridor, the military corridor in and out of Afghanistan to the Euro-Atlantic Area, with trade and investment Corridor that could link the European and Euro-Atlantic border via Central Asia to the New Silk Road. Hopefully, at the end of the day, we could add to our excellent political relation, a level of trade and commercial exchanges that could reach a figure closer to the potential of our two economies. Investments are also expected from Azerbaijan in different capacities, since Romania did open several bids for investments and is prepare to privatize some of its capacities that could be interesting for Azeri companies.

- Presidents of Azerbaijan and Romania signed a strategic partnership agreement a few years ago. Which spheres play a key role in the strategic partnership between two countries?

The Strategic Partnership that our two countries share is on energy cooperation. The idea of offering European markets alternative sources and routes for oil and gas transportation is linking us on several projects. The Southern Energy Corridor is already filled with projects like the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline and Baku-Tbilisi-Erzerum gas pipeline. The TANAP project was a very important solution found in order to split the Nabucco strategic project in two, this part up to the EU border, in Bulgaria, and Nabucco West from now on to Baumgarten, in Austria. The Azerbaijan-Georgia-Romania Interconnector, the AGRI, is also part of a project that includes a transformation via LNG to Contanta South via Kulevi Georgian port. We are also considering other alternative cooperation in energy that both our parts think would be of mutual benefit.

- Speaking about energy cooperation, which energy project is the most preferable for Romania?

We were always supporting the strategic energy Corridors, meaning the pipelines that could bring to Europe sufficient quantity of gas for making a change in the system and balancing the huge quantities of gas coming via other routes from the sources that we've always had as unique up to now, I am talking about the countries in Eastern and Central Europe firstly, because they have the less develop system of interconnections and competitive market. We are involved in the Nabucco West and AGRI projects so, for sure, these are strategic projects that Romania supports.

- Azerbaijan and Romania have had the similar background. What kind of assistance may Romania provide to Azerbaijan on its way towards European integration?

First, we are the vivid proof that this path could be made and in short time. Azerbaidjan has its own characteristics and only Azerbaidjanis could decide which way and how to achieve the reforms and changes needed in order to move closer to the EU. For sure this does not happen over night. In that respect, Romania can share its own experience and make reference to many of its specialists in negotiations in that particular field. We could assist in translating the requirements and expectations of the EU, but for creating the norms and institutions needed, for the reform of the system, the local authorities, politicians and experts have to have their own input and make use of the best ideas, being the ones that know the existing system as well as the perceptions of the population and how to obtain the public support for such reforms.

- By the way, Romanian embassy in Baku coordinates cooperation between Azerbaijan and NATO. What do you think about Azerbaijan-NATO cooperation and is the current frame of cooperation sufficient for the both sides? In other words may we imagine that Azerbaijan would be a NATO member state in future?

I am a Euro-Atlantic-ist by formation and by choice. I do think that NATO is a valuable institution that can assist developments and reforms in the Security Sector, interoperability, training, and so on. I am pleading for a deeper cooperation with the Alliance in all the fields, specially maritime security, anti-terrorism, radicalization and violence, energy security, critical infrastructure protection, cyber security and cyber defense.

Yes, I think that Azerbaijan should consider its options, but it's only up to the Azeri people and Azeri leadership to decide the best solution for its security and cooperation in security and defense matters.

- There are many talks in the West about importance of Azerbaijan and its energy, but there are really few actors which want to provide assistance to solve the key problem for Azerbaijan - violation of territorial integrity, even though the protracted conflict is a real threat to the energy transit to Europe. What should be done to attract more international attention to this problem?

There are multiple ideas that could lead to a better visibility and a raise of credibility and profile of Azerbaijan that could help raising the attention and solving the conflict. It is about getting closer to EU and NATO institutions, providing arguments for a solid orientation and will to join EU and NATO programs. Soft power and credibility could come from joining the Association Agreement, visa liberalization and Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade agreement - DCFTA, offered by EU in the framework of the Eastern Partnership. Than a more structured and sustainable relation with NATO can help, as it is the case for more cooperation in PAP-T antiterrorism programs and exchange of information, lessons learnt and good practices.

Than Azerbaidjan could take the Article 4 and consult the Allies and present the concerns on security including those related to the separatism in Nagorno-Karabakh, a fact that could help for ideas and support in consultation and missions accordingly to the requirement of the Partner State of Azerbaijan. Confidence building measures and state building, liberation of the occupied territories, are steps that could lead, eventually, to a peaceful solution to the conflict. 

So cooperation with institution of credibility, legitimacy and added value in the strategic weight, instruments of soft power and consultation with NATO members could be some ideas, not to forget about the arguments that Azerbaijan could offer concretely for an enhanced appreciation of its profile by the citizens, including those of the separatist region under occupation.