A therapist tells how to deal with stress and depression
Author: Tarana ABBASOVA Baku
Psychological problems that have turned into the scourge of the modern era and generate stress, depression and other types of psychopathology worry many. Faced with this situation, we cannot understand the essence of what is happening and do not know who to turn to - a psychologist, psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, or maybe, a neurologist? In order to clarify these issues and get acquainted with the area dedicated to the mysteries of human psychology, R+ talked to psichotherapist Murad Musayev.
- In recent period, stress and depression have become common in society. How can we deal with them? Is it possible to treat depression without the use of drug therapy?
- Interesting question. You know, depression has many varieties. At some stage, we see no need for drug therapy. For example, if a person has a goal and strong will, he will overcome depression without the help of drugs, doing some business. However, in most cases, we are seeing depression emerge due to some internal physiological disorders. In such cases, of course, we have to resort to drug therapy.
- What are the primary symptoms of depression? How does it manifest itself?
- Here are the first signs of depression: the patient isolates himself from society, gets irritated at every opportunity, feels lonely, sleeps too much or does not sleep at all, becomes lazy, resentful of society, does not want to socialize with anyone else, hates people, loses the internal stimulus, tends to suicide, etc. If several symptoms manifest themselves in a complex, we see a wave of depression. In this case, medical intervention is required. Along with this, psychotherapy is very important, as the patient has already ruined all spiritual and mental frameworks in his mind. Psychotherapy cures people, gradually restoring them. If there is pathology, the therapist must intervene.
- Which factors contribute to the emergence of depression most of all?
- They are different: love, loss of a loved person, loss of a job, post, divorce, etc. The person focuses on one issue, thinks only about it, his brain becomes exhausted, and he destroys himself with senseless thoughts. Those subjected to depression become very sentimental and sensual. Pathology begins to manifest itself in a person. Another factor that causes depression is the stress we face every day.
- Which diseases can depression cause?
- If the patient is not treated, depression is considered a severe illness in itself. It can take 10-15 years. During this time, a person can lose a lot in life. He should think with the highest categories, be active, work and carry out his mission in society. The logical conclusion is that pathologies are extremely rare in active people, as they decide everything in mathematical form. If there is an emotional problem, a person should not be alone. He needs to vent his energy: work, have a family, do sports, plunge into public life, in short, become a socially active person. There are people who are genetically devoid of sensuality and sentimentality. They have a heart of stone ... such people are very unlikely to fall ill. Those who have hereditary sentimentality have weaker psyche.
The brain uses 30 per cent of the capacity of the body. If a person is passive and constantly thinks about the same problem, the remaining 70 per cent of the capacity of the body, too, will take by the brain. In such cases, you cannot expect a personality to make progress. Therefore, these 70 per cent need to be spent on the family, sports, activity and positive thoughts. Only then, can you take stock.
- Is the mutation of mental illnesses and pathologies possible?
- No. Pathologies are not exposed to mutations. In most cases, society perceives mental patients ambiguously. Such people are isolated from society, or they are forced to hide their illness from others. There are patients for whom serious and responsible work is contraindicated. But there are some types of pathologies that are associated with psychology and are not dangerous. For example, narcissism. This type belongs to the schizoid type. Schizophrenia and split personality are regarded as severe diseases. People exposed to them are registered, and it is dangerous to assign a responsible job to them. These diseases cannot be cured completely, and the patients are under constant medical supervision.
- Is it mandatory to keep a patient in hospital? Can these patients be treated at home? After all, such people need compassion and responsiveness?
- It depends on the patient. If the patient is not dangerous, he can be treated at home. But there are serious diseases where hospital treatment is required.