As long as humanity continues to exist on Earth, the mystery of the holiday of spring and its depth will not lose their meaning
Author: Zarifa BABAYEVA Baku
Roots. They are everywhere, first of all, in our parents, grandparents and ancestors. And once again, these roots are almost subcutaneous and pass through our centuries-old traditions with some sensitive ripple. It is happening right now, when we are writing about the holiday time and time again. It can be called one of the wisest holidays of the world and humanity. And we're right. After all, when Novruz comes, you feel your roots and traditions, which we maintain, most strongly. You begin to understand where everything comes from and why, stop asking questions and only state indisputable facts of nature and the wisdom of God who created everything on earth. All of this needs no proof. This is awakening from winter sleep.
People, no matter how adult they are, begin to feel like kids getting into the world of fairy tales and adventures again. This is interesting - celebrating Tuesdays (carsanba) of the four elements - water, fire, earth and wind. It would seem that you know everything about this holiday, but with each new stage in life, one looks at it through different eyes - first, the eyes of a child, then, those of a teenager, and then, those of a young man who has become mature over the years. Time goes by, and you begin to see Novruz through the eyes of your child, grandchild ... and then through the eyes of infinity. And every time, this perception acquires new sensations, except for what we have no way of knowing.
These Tuesdays. There is so much charming magic in them - harbingers of the holiday and symbols of expectation when all is still to come, including the holiday itself. Tuesdays are a rehearsal when the air is filled with the smell of campfire and excited voices can be heard everywhere. Children are in search of wood, smiles, jokes and laughter. Many traditions are forgotten, but the holiday remains. Glares from the fire on the buildings. Today the holiday is celebrated in a different way, but it has not become less fun or less filled with joyful bustle. Before our eyes, we see episodes of childhood and our grandmothers explaining which carsanba follows which and what is the meaning of each of them.
Mum. Family. They are sitting in front of the festive xonca. Everyone chose a colour candle, making a wish, and if it burns itself out faster than the others, the wish will come true. The apartment is filled with the smell of wax and burning walnut shells, which the light flame of the burning candle "is licking". Now you realize that your mum, of course, made it all up to make this holiday even more interesting and full of family ritual meaning and trepidation for us, kids. Indeed, mothers' careful attitude to this holiday has a special role - when the house is being tidied up and everything is upside down in order to create perfect comfort and order. It is very important. And no one would joke on this occasion. Because that's what it should be. And no one will question this law of perfect order.
Far ahead of the holiday, the prudent mother buys various dried fruits, which then become part of the sacrament of Novruz. They fill the nooks of the cupboard, which then begin to exude a mouthwatering aroma if you just open up its door. At this point, you wish only one thing - you wish the holiday came as soon as possible in order to eat these delicacies unrestrainedly. And the eating starts on the first Tuesday - in February, which is popularly referred to as "yalanci carsanba" ("false Tuesday"). People gradually begin to prepare and buy sweets, hazelnuts and dried fruits. They draw up a calendar for the next month - when the cleaning up should start and finish, when to start making holiday sweets and when to honour the memory of the dead. In those days, people do not forget about anyone or anything.
Smells of Novruz. They have to fill every family hearth - aromas of sweets. They will bring well-being - Barakat - a symbol of prosperity. And if someone does not have the possibility of making them, this family will not be left without holiday sweets. There is no doubt that someone will bring them. Such is the tradition, and it will always be the case.
My grandmother said that it is very important for the family to gather at the table with a tray of dried fruit (yuski) and burning candles on the first (water), second (fire) and third (ground) Tuesdays. The tray should definitely have an apple, sweets and an item of gold. On these days, you cannot quarrel and swear, on the contrary, you should remember the good days, play games and tell the fortune.
Certainly, urban life and fuss have made it easier to celebrate Novruz. We look at this feast from the windows of our apartments, while the air gets warmer - the blazing bonfire made by kids from the neighbourhood with the help of adults, and then the dying, crackling embers. There is so much wisdom in Novruz spring celebrations. Old people say that "Su carsanbasi" is the Tuesday of water as one of the elements of the earth, which symbolizes the melted snow. It means that the air is becoming warmer. That's why it is followed by "Od carsanbasi" - the Tuesday of fire that purifies not only the body but the soul. And if you jump over the fire on this day, the flame will absorb all the troubles. It is followed by "Yel carsanbasi" - the Tuesday of wind when eastern winds begin to awaken nature. And spring itself arrives on the "torpaq Tuesday" - the Tuesday of earth, which symbolizes the awakening of nature.
The symbols of Novruz are like our lives. Starting out, they gain speed, reach their climax and then gradually lose momentum. They are our heritage, and as long as humanity continues to exist on earth, the mystery of this holiday and its depth will not lose their meaning.