The total number of licenses for the London Games has reached 28
Author: Nadir Xosrofoglu Baku
The Azerbaijani team has returned from the World Championships in weightlifting in France with a bronze medal won by Bulgarian weightlifter Valentin Hristov who has adopted Azerbaijani citizenship. Thus the 17-year-old newcomer has justified the confidence of the Azerbaijan Weightlifting Federation which included him in the team.
In general, the performance of Azerbaijani weightlifters at the world championships deserves a positive assessment. Even before the competition the coaches were saying that the main goal was to win licenses for the Summer Olympics. And our athletes have achieved the goal by winning five licences. Thus, the total number of licences Azerbaijan has won for the London Games has reached 28. Prior to the Paris championships our team had 69 license points. Earned in the previous world championships in the Turkish city of Antalya in 2010, the points gave our team the right to four licences. In France, the team was expected not only to confirm its rating, but also to enhance it to the maximum extent possible. And it worked, as Azerbaijan performed even better than last year, earning 93 points. Thus, by scoring a total of 162 points, we have received the right to be represented at the Summer Olympics 2012 by five weightlifters.
Unfortunately, men were not supported by representatives of the fair sex, who finished only in 30th place. Although our sportswomen did add 59 points to the frugal seven won in Turkey a year ago, bringing the total tally to 66, this was not enough to qualify for the London Games. Now we will have to compete for a license at the European Championships following next.
We recall that Azerbaijan's Bulgarian-born coach Yanko Rusev was sacked shortly before the championship and the team went to France managed by a council of coaches. The competition showed that the team does not need an expatriate coach. The Federation has to show confidence in local professionals and give them a chance. Although Rusev used to be a strong athlete, he has not justified himself as a coach and the Federation has canceled a contract with him. Athletes have also been complaining about the Bulgarian coach's excessive training methods, which led to numerous injuries.
Shortly after the successful performance at the world championships reports emerged that the Federation intends to entrust the national team to a local specialist. World and European champion Nizami Pasayev was tipped as the most likely out of five candidates. And he was eventually appointed as head coach. "Today (23 November) I met with the president of the National Federation, Cahangir Asgarov. He has entrusted the team to me, so that I prepare it for the 2012 London Games. As you know, we have won five licenses for the Olympics. I have been tasked with winning an Olympic medal. I have the time to select a team and prepare it for the Olympics," azerisport.com quotes Pasayev as saying.
Azerbaijan has yet to win an Olympic medal in weightlifting. So N. Pasayev and members of the team must work hard. So far only Hristov is considered a possible contender for an Olympic medal. Although Sardar Hasanov (69 kg) and Yuliya Doval (75 + kg) were in fifth in overall standings, they still have to work hard to reach their best form. Traditionally far behind the leaders are Afqan Bayramov (69 kg), Namiq Camilov (85 kg) and Intiqam Zairov (94 kg). On the other hand, licenses are awarded to a country, not an athlete, in weightlifting, which means that the Weightlifting Federation can reshuffle the team and send completely different athletes to the Games.
In any case, the International Federation of Weightlifting requires participating countries to name their teams three months before the Games. And this means that there is not too much time at the disposal of the coaches.