14 March 2025

Friday, 20:48


A world-famous scholar, the "father of fuzzy logic" and our compatriot, has visited Baku



At first sight of this modest man, walking with his careful and gentle steps, you would hardly guess that you are before one of the world's most venerated scientists, Lotfi Zadeh. It would be truly exciting to have a "heart-to-heart" conversation with him, but conditions at the BakuTel-2008 Telecommunication and Information Technology Exhibition do not allow it. Everyone understands that a TALENT is among us. People try to touch the genius, to take a souvenir photo with him and he never refuses, despite his "worldwide fame." You simply approach him and shake his hand with unfathomable respect for one of the great minds of the 20th century and contemporary times. A slew of questions arise, but you fear to spoil the moment by asking them, and you feel deep pride in your heart. This modest, friendly, rather short man, with his subtle facial features and regular, by no means flashy clothes, is a genius. And this genius is an Azerbaijani. 

His discoveries are literally everywhere. The theories developed by Lotfi Zadeh have made the world better and purer. They have brought a spirituality to the world which is pivotal for people spoilt by progress. And this is a real envoy of God. 

 Taking in the new exhibits, the scholar acquainted himself with the latest achievements of scientific-technical progress, but is the man who made them happen. More than likely, he was doubly excited to enquire about these accomplishments in the country of his birth. This is possibly why Lotfi Zadeh paid particular attention to the stands of Azerbaijani ICT companies. The scientist speaks quietly. You could not but notice that when trying to hear his comments all around seems quiet. But his silence is rather "loud". He has created five fundamental theories for world science - The Theory of Impressions, The Theory on the Space of Conditions, the Theory of Word-based Calculations, The Theory of Soft Calculations and the Theory of Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Pluralities. Fostering an upheaval in the development of world science, we also encounter Lotfi Zadeh’s discoveries in all spheres of life practically on a daily basis, and these discoveries are within reach. Thanks to his Theory of Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Pluralities, computers and machines, which contain knowledge, and units of artificial intelligence have been created based on the irrational ways people themselves think and operate. As for the work of computers which use words and sentences in their calculations, this is described by the Theory of Word-based Calculations, and such PCs are currently the most efficient model for human comprehension. 

Lotfi Zadeh does not miss any of the exhibits, and everybody knows him. Wherever this simple, kind-hearted and great man appears, people immediately encircle him and just won't let go. The scholar himself, always willing to communicate with others, lowers his head modestly any time he receives a compliment about his fine appearance at the age of 87. This man's talent bedazzles everyone, including ambassadors, ministers and heads of ICT companies. Many understand that in talking with the "the father of fuzzy logic", as he is branded in the scientific community, you are in touch with the eternal and unshakeable. But in the United States, a country of great opportunities, to which Lotfi Zadeh moved in 1944, the genius of this great Azerbaijani was not immediately recognized. In 1946 he graduated from the well-known Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a master's degree in electrical engineering. At Columbia University, where he worked on his PhD thesis, he moved from assistant professor to professor by the age of 36. At the age of 46 he published the main work of his life - the fundamental article on Fuzzy sets - in the magazine Information and Control. This article paved the way for a myriad other publications on fuzzy mathematics. However, until as late as the 1970s, Lotfi Zadeh’s ideas were treated in various scientific circles with a great deal of caution, and even coolness, in particular by "pure mathematicians."

"It is hard to believe that, even in 1989, the US National Scientific Society utterly condemned the possibility of excluding from mathematical programmes an entire line of fuzzy logic - which was already being applied in practice and which is related to major advances in information technology," A. Averkin, the president of Russia's Association of Imprecise Systems, wrote about Lotfi Zadeh.

The Japanese were the first to put the Azerbaijani genius's theories into practice, ahead of the Americans, by launching an electric train from Tokyo to the scientific town of Senday. The train was equipped with a special control device preventing passengers from sensing either the start-up or acceleration. This was a prelude to a real technological boom in Japan. In view of the economic benefits which the idea had brought to their country, Japan conferred Lotfi Zadeh with the Honda Prize, which is considered a prestigious award in the world of science, in 1989, and with the Okawa Prize in 1999.

To the excitement of housewives, the Japanese regularly supplemented the list of home appliances available in the country with improved devices based on Lotfi Zadeh's discoveries. This brought about washing machines which determined how dirty the laundry is, as well as its bulk and quality, and selected the most cost-efficient washing programme without error. Supermarket owners sensed the advent of a new era when they witnessed the emergence of a video-camera with auto-focus, "smart" air conditioners and vacuum cleaners, microwaves and digital television sets. The scope of Japanese achievement based on the scientist's theories is quite impressive - from the creation of drone helicopters, which are voice-controlled from the ground, to creating an ikebana floral arrangement. The military turned out to be most progressive. They sensed that the new mathematics could be key to solving a most pressing problem - the interception of new hostile missiles, which was impossible with the old methods. The process was regulated by a fuzzy controller that could fit into a match-box. The market for various systems which use such fast, fuzzy chips currently exceeds $20 billion. 

"This fact represents convincing proof of the practical significance of Lotfi Zadeh's theory," Averkin notes.

It remains to be proved whether it's the air, soil, or something else in Baku - but Azerbaijan has always borne great personalities who are the pride of the whole world. These include Lotfi Zadeh, Muslim Magomayev, Mstislav Rostropovich, Lev Landau etc. This list of honour could go on and on. 

The "theory of having been born in Baku" lacks rationality, but the "father of fuzzy logic" might easily agree with it, as it was Lotfi Zadeh who laid the groundwork for a progressive language of communication between a human being, his emotional centres and an unemotional computer, which deals exclusively in plain digits. 

"With Lotfi Zadeh's discoveries an opportunity emerged not just to share communication with a computer using precise, standard commands, but to actually talk to it," Averkin wrote. 

"Baku has grown and continues to grow. My impressions are very positive. Azerbaijan has everything. Moreover, the country is governed today by smart people who are interested in progress, and this is the main thing. Thank you very much. Thank you for giving me a warm welcome. I am very glad to be here, with wonderful people," Lotfi Zadeh told R+. 

The great Azerbaijani scholar is currently the science editor and member of the editorial boards of 54 science magazines covering fuzzy logic, management and Soft Computing. This is a scientist whose works are quoted most often. He is a member of the academies of many countries. He has been presented with awards and medals by a large number of honorary societies and foundations. He holds the title of honorary doctor in tens of foreign countries and public organizations, as well as the title of honorary academician of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. These are major achievements for the modest Lotfi Zadeh, a great scientist and the great pride of all Azerbaijanis.