Cases of involvement of Armenian bandit gangs in the planned murder of Jews opened up
Author: Rovsan Mustafayev Dr of Philosophical Sciences, Professor
Of all the crimes committed by the Armenian ethno-corporation against various peoples in the world, it had until recently managed to reliably conceal only one - the mass elimination of the Jews. Two centuries later it is hard to even imagine how the intrigue of Armenianism against the ancient Jews began: important papers which could have shed light on this matter are in archives which are difficult to access.
However, the Aramaic version of history has retained the name of two boys from the world of Armenianism with obvious symptoms of kleptomania: Grigoriy Vartapet and Karapet Dionysius. Those were their names. These two enterprising lads who lived towards the beginning of the 19th century quite jauntily (almost in one hour!) swapped Gregorianism for Protestantism, which was not badly paid by American missionaries in the countries of Frontal Asia. We have to suppose that Martin Luther and Jean Calvin would have turned in their graves had they found out about their new followers in the person of the dubious-looking Karapet and Vartapet. In fact, who would then have thought that this was about the future "great martyrs" of Armenianism, who would seriously "suffer" for and in the name of Christ!
The aim of the "young Protestants" was extremely dangerous, not to mention "satanic": to save (?) the grave of the Lord from the Turks in Jerusalem. Vartapet and Karapet took little interest in the fact that nothing had threatened it up until then. The most important thing was to invent a global threat, and paint themselves as the saviours of the Christian relics from the unbelievers: the Jews and Muslims. They discussed various options for implementing their project, including simply stealing the Lord's grave and taking the saint… across the ocean, to America. It is clear that the pious inhabitants of the Holy Land - Jews, Muslims and early Christians - would not have allowed this plot to be carried out. In a nutshell, they drove out these pathetic Christians, who were tormenting themselves for whatever reason.
There are other facts that bear witness to the undeclared war of Armenianism against the Jews.
Evidence of mass murders of Jews by Armenian bandit gangs in 1918 recently made public by the Academy of Sciences Institute for Human Rights (ASIHR) has caused real repercussions. In response to a query in April 2006 by the institute in connection with these events, we received an official letter from the chairman of the Community of Highland Jews of Azerbaijan, Mr Semen Borisovich Ikhiilov.
To the director of the Institute for Human Rights
National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan
Chairman of the International Scientific Council on Human Rights
Professor R. F. Mustafayev
Dear Mr Rovshan Mustafayev,
Perusing and studying the tragic and woeful pages of the history of Azerbaijan, each time we come across cases of members of the country's Jewish community falling, along with our Azerbaijani brothers and sisters, victim to enemies trying to conquer our common homeland. Back in the 1980s, I made public cases which had been previously unknown to the wider public of the mass annihilation of the Jews which took place in the period of the genocide of the Azerbaijani people in 1918-1919. According to eyewitness memories and individual documentary fragments, up to 3,000 Jews died along with the Azerbaijanis.
The names of 81 innocent slain Jews have currently been documentarily identified. On 31 March every year, on the Day of Memory of the Victims of the Genocide of the Azerbaijani People 1918-1919, we read prayers for the dead and prayers in memory of the souls of the murdered Jewish children, women and men.
We are currently continuing our work to expose the sites of mass burials in other regions of our joint Homeland, Azerbaijan, and establish the names of the dead…
The letter was accompanied by a list of members of the Jewish civilian population, victims of that sorrowful period of history, "who fell at the hands of the fiends on 19 Iyar 5679 in the town of Kuba". Immediately after translating the material from Aramaic and identifying the texts received containing the lists of victims' names, and after reciting a mourning prayer in memory, the institute set up an expert commission composed of: MP Yevdo Abramov, ASHIR deputy directors Araz Qurbanov and Musa Musayev, historian Moshe Bekker, commissar of the international scientific council for human rights Rashad Rzakuliyev, ASHIR academic secretary Nusaba Asrafova, and journalist and deputy chairman of the Community of Highland Jews of Azerbaijan Semen Shalmeyev. Painstaking work began in synagogue archives and with the many statements received by the institute from highland Jews whose relatives fell victim to militant Armenianism in those bloody days of 1918.
Several more names of Jews slain as innocents were found in the protocols of the Emergency Investigation Commission set up in the years of the first Azerbaijani Republic to investigate cases of mass murders of civilians by Armenian gangs. All the lists of the dead contain the names of children, women and the elderly. New evidence of Jewish victims was found by the respected Yevdo Abramov in the personal archive of individual pensioner Yakov Ilyich Abramov, who by a miracle had preserved papers from the years of Communist repressions, hoping to bring the truth to his people at some point and write the names of the slain innocents on a memorial stone of Sorrow and Memory. The site of the mass shootings of Jews by Amazaspa Armenian gangs was the Simi valley: people were taken there in batches, they were ill-treated - girls and children were raped, the noses and ears of the elderly and adolescents were cut off. Then they were killed. The corpses remained lying there in the valley, in the Simi gorge.
Letters received by the Institute for Human Rights from the Jewish intelligentsia in Baku say that villagers practising Judaism in the Kuba district are buoyed up by hope and gratitude by the attempt to establish the historical truth and not to allow eternity to wipe from memory the names of people whose fault lay only in the fact that they were not part of Armenianism. A letter from the famous photo journalist Semen Shalmeyev tells of the fate of his grandfather, Asaf Shalmeyev - one of the defenders of Kuba from the Armenian bandit gangs. "Fearing the revenge of Armenian nationalists occupying senior positions in bodies of Soviet power", the letter says, "Asaf Shalmeyev was forced to leave Kuba and to the end of his days conceal his participation in the defence of his native village. The fears of my grandfather were fully justified. One of the participants in the defensive fighting was burnt alive by the Dashnaks in his own home. According to the memories of old men, the Jewish martyr was called Iosif."
A letter from the chairman of the Community of Highland Jews living in Kuba, a man who is very authoritative and respected in the country, Boris Semanduyev, contains an appeal to all the Jews in the world to condemn cases of genocide against the Jews which took place in 1918-1919: "The highland Jews condemn multiple crimes by Armenian gangs, which were also committed against other peoples of the Caucasus."
Many appeals have also reached us asking us to organise a special scientific session on the tragic events of that time. The first meeting took place on 21 April 2006 at the ASHIR. Participants approved the text of a letter to Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev. In an accompanying document dated 28 April 2006 the chairman of the religious community of Jews of Azerbaijan, Rabbi Meir Bruk, writes: "To the leadership of the World Jewish Congress. This letter is accompanied by an appeal by the Community of Highland Jews to President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev of 21 April 2006 with a request to make eternal the memory of the Jews who became victims of genocide against the peoples of Azerbaijan, carried out by Armenian bandit gangs in the period 1918-1919 on the territory of Azerbaijan. I request that this material be taken into account."
Then comes the text of a letter approved at the session of representatives of the Jewish community of Azerbaijan at the ASHIR.
His Excellency
The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Mr Ilham Heydar oglu Aliyev
Dear Mr President,
The history of the Jewish community in Azerbaijan is closely linked to the history of the Azerbaijani people. We have equally shared all the joys and grief which have fallen to the lot of our state.
Today the Jewish community in Azerbaijan amounts to more than 30,000 people. This is the largest community of Jews in the Caucasus. In the name of each one of us, we thank you, greatly-respected Mr President, for the great opportunities we have to develop and preserve our cultural and religious traditions.
Studying the life of the Jews in Azerbaijan, we have uncovered previously-unknown cases of their mass elimination, which took place during the period of the genocide of the Azerbaijani people in 1918-1919, which preceded the tragic Holocaust of 1939-1945. According to documents and eyewitness memories, along with the Azerbaijanis up to 3,000 Jews perished at the hands of bandit gangs.
Thanks to the active assistance from the Academy of Sciences Institute for Human Rights, we are now carrying out serious work to establish the names of the Jews who became the victims of ethnic cleansing. Every year on 31 March, on the Day of Memory of the Genocide of the Azerbaijani People 1918-1919, we read prayers for the dead and prayers in memory of the souls of the slain Jewish children, women and men. We are currently continuing work to establish the sites of the mass burials in other regions of our common Motherland, Azerbaijan, and establish the names of the dead.
Dear Mr President,
Recalling the Azerbaijani people's high level of ethnic tolerance and proceeding from the principle holy to Jews that "no-one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten", we ask you to order the respective state structures to assist us in establishing the historical truth and give permission to erect a memorial stone in Kuba district to make eternal the memory of the innocently slain.
This appeal has been signed in the name of the Jewish community of Azerbaijan by Chairman of the Community of Highland Jews Semen Borisovich Ikhiilov, Milli Mejlis deputy Yevdo Sosunovich Abramov, member of the board of the Community of European Jews Semen Grigoryevich Shalmeyev and other prominent activists from the Community of Highland Jews.
Archive material from the period of the Second World War has preserved witness accounts about the active collaboration of the Armenian ethno-corporation (and above all the Armenian international terrorist organisation Dashnaktsutyun) with the Hitler regime. According to Austrian researcher E. Faygl, the participation of Armenian penal squads on the side of the Fascists "certainly had the aim of eliminating Jews". According to data from another researcher, S. Wims, more than 100,000 representatives of Armenianism (mainly from the ranks of professional murderers, marauders, conmen and members of the underworld) took part in carrying out the Third Reich policy of eliminating Jews and Poles.
The system of recruiting Armenianism to special Fascist command penal and sabotage squads began even before the Second World War. According to L. Sergeyev, the future SS gruppenfuhrer and head of the Gestapo (state secret police) Heinrich Muller came to Baku to set up a network of agents from among the members and activists of the Armenian international terrorist organisation Dashnaktsutyun. Under the name "engineer Krauz" he arrived in the capital of Azerbaijan on 17 October 1938 as part of a delegation of specialists from the Krupp and Co firm - a company which owned a network of death camps in the war years: at the Nuremburg trial it was found guilty of crimes against peace and humanity.
Returning to Berlin, Muller reported back to his direct boss, Heinrich Himmler: "After my trip to Baku I can state that all reports from our agents from the nationalist organisation Dashnaktsutyun are confirmed." The archives also retain witness accounts of meetings between "engineer Klaus" and a number of Armenian terrorists, which were openly "protected by the local branch of the KGB [then called the NKVD - author]", not only controlled by Dashnaktsutyun but basically made up of members of this organisation of professional murderers, members of the underworld and so on. Incidentally, it was the local NKVD branch that carried out the mass repressions of the Azerbaijani, Jewish and Georgian intelligentsias at the end of the 1930s under the banner of Stalin power.
Concealing itself behind Communist phrasings, international Armenianism, taking account of the changing geopolitical situation, started frantically seeking ways of uniting with the Hitlerite government, which was gathering force on the world stage. Muller's interest in the Armenian terrorist organisation Dashnaktsutyun opened a direct path to the heart of the Reich. Obsequiously bowing before Nazism, members of Armenianism strove to swear on oath to the senior Hitlerite their faithfulness and their hatred for the Jews.
According to documents in Baku, Muller and two of his colleagues met close relatives of Sogomon Tehliryan, arrested in Charlottenburg for the murder of prominent Turk public figure Talat Pasha. Using the support of Fascist Germany's secret police and that of one of the leaders of the Communist regime, Dashnaktstutyn member Anastas Mikoyan, the murderer Tehliran was freed from prison (a Berlin court unexpectedly found him innocent) and deported… to the Soviet Union. Material from Tehliryan's dossier shows that it was he who took the Gestapo to his relative in Baku, an activist from the international Armenian terrorist organisation Dashnaktsutyun, Serzhik Movsesyan. At the time of the meeting Movsesyan had already taken part in a series of murders and terrorist acts, so his "CV" quite suited "engineer Krauz", who even said at the end of the war: "Under the leadership of and with the participation of my department, 6 million Jews, 5.7 million prisoners-of-war, 3.3 million prisoners of USSR concentration camps and from 700,000-800,000 inhabitants of the territory of the USSR were eliminated in prisons and concentration camps and by Einzatsgruppen."
The meeting of the professional murders from the Hitlerite and Dashnaktsutyun camps which took place in 1938 made an indelible impression on the future head of the Gestapo, Muller, and the thought never left him that they would not find a better network of agents than the members of the Armenian international terrorist organisation in the whole of the Caucasus.
It is characteristic that a publication in the official Nazi newspaper, Volkischer Beobachter, by one of the ideologists of Armenianism who had attached himself to Germany's Fascist regime, Professor of Berlin University Artashes Abegyan, dates from this period. This article praising the "racial tastes" of Germany's Hitler government seeks to prove the "Indo-European origins of the Armenians" and that thus any links to the Semites are impossible. To use the terms of a member of Dashnaktsutyun and agent for the Reich's sixth security department, Oganes Devedzhyan, this type of publication was aimed at convincing the elite in the Nazi regime to actively recruit members of Armenianism for collaboration. In a similar spirit, a book by A. Asyatryan propagating, on the model of Adolf Hitler, the idea of the supremacy of the Aryan race - one of whose branches was, according to the theory, Armenianism - was written and published in Germany. The author insists on the phrasing "German-Armenian union", capable, according to his Hitlerite conviction, of bringing clarity to the history of development of humankind.
To make it convincing and implement this sort of quasi-ethno-social scheme, 40 members of the Armenian international terrorist organisation Dashnaktsutyun who had undergone special military courses in Bulgaria voluntarily attached themselves to the Reich and took part under the flag of the Fascists in repressions against Jews and Gypsies - "thieves and layabouts, sucking the blood of the German people". The mouthpiece of Armenian Nazism at that time was the Tsegakron organisation (literally translated as "veneration of race… Fascism of Armenian activity) created in Bulgaria by murderer of women, children and the elderly, Garegen Ter-Arutyunyan (gang name Nzhde). It was Nzhde who took all measures to distance the Armenians from the Jews: he cites as examples "the testimony of anthropologists and historians, anything so that the Armenians are not declared Semites". He actively established links with famous German academics and Nazi leaders to do this.
The efforts of Armenianism to establish links with the Fascist regime bore fruit. According to material from the Yerevan State University's Faculty of International Relations, towards the beginning of the war a document was put on Hitler's table drawn up based on information from Gestapo boss Heinrich Muller and the future minister of occupied eastern territories, Alfred Rosenberg, "in which was recognised the Aryan origins of the Armenians, who must be acknowledged as equal allies". Hitler made a resolution the next day. From that time representatives of Armenianism came under the category of so-called "Aryan refugees" (?), and received documents stating this. During the period of the start of the world war, "there were some 27,000 Armenians in the service of the German Reich, of whom 3,000 were in the service of the SS and Abwehr German intelligence".