A public action to reduce the number of road victims was held in Baku
Author: Vafa ZEYNALOVA Baku
No longer a car is a luxury but a means of transportation. It allows you to save time and money by quickly delivering cargo and passengers. It has many other advantages too. However, it is also a source of danger.
It is known that the number of people died in traffic accidents in Azerbaijan is more than the number of Karabakh victims. This sad fact was announced by the participants of a public action on traffic safety, which has ended in Baku. The project titled “The seat belt tying you to life” was implemented by Hed Academy Azerbaijan jointly with the Office of Traffic Police of Baku, and the Park Bulvar shopping center.
For the first time in Azerbaijan, a special simulator of Hed Academy Azerbaijan was set in the shopping center, where hundreds of people could personally experience how the seat belt saves lives in a flipping car. The members of parliament, Rafael Jabrayilov, Rovshan Rzayev, Mahir Abbas-zadeh, Shahin Ismayilov, as well as the Head of the Baku Traffic Police Vagif Asadov, President of Hed Academy Azerbaijan Cankat Hurmoglu, the expert Arshad Huseynov, etc. had a floor during the closing ceremony. All participants have underlined the significance of such projects in preventing lethal outcomes of traffic accidents.
“Safety belts ensure a 70-75% survival rate of a person in the car. In addition, properly used, it considerably reduces the risk of injuries”, said in his interview with R+ Vagif Asadov. According to him, the severity of road traffic accidents is connected with the fact that drivers and passengers unreasonably refuse to use seat belts.
“Safety belts are the most effective way to reduce the number of deaths and injuries as a result of traffic accidents. Even though they do not guarantee the preservation of life, they significantly reduce the risk of death”, said V. Asadov.
The event organized by Hed Academy Azerbaijan reminded us the International Remembrance Day for Road Traffic Victims, which, according to UN General Assembly resolution, is celebrated annually on the third Sunday of November.
Terrible statistics
The number of road traffic accidents continue increasing. According to the State Statistics Committee, 1677 traffic accidents were registered only during the 10 months of this year in Azerbaijan. They killed 638 and injured 1721 people. However, this sad statistic demonstrates the downward trend, although the people continue to die.
As to the reasons of accidents, it is reported that 38.9% of incidents was a result of the fast lane exits, 23.2% due to excessive speed, 12.9 % due to violations of traffic rules by pedestrians, and 1.9% due to drivers under the influence of intoxicants.
In January-September 2016, 2 million 231.6 thousand traffic violations were recorded, 51.8% of which involve violation of speed limits, 10.7% - violation of stopping rules or parking, 4.5% - violation of rules of intersection passing, 4.2% - non-compliance with traffic signs, 4,2% - misuse of seat belts.
We all are guilty
Behind these dry figures are human destinies, tragedies, lost hopes, dreams, plans, eternal regret. It is recognized that often pedestrians behave thoughtlessly and carelessly. The habit of not noticing traffic lights, pedestrian crossing may result in a slight shock and a tragedy. We often behave irresponsibly and young mothers with children crossing roads do not follow the rules, considering that the driver must stop in any case since “they are crossing the road with children.” But that's no excuse! In such situations, the parents, by contrast, must be doubly careful.
However, the recent increase in raids and fines for pedestrians crossing the wrong road or other traffic violations must believe, sooner or later to rectify the situation. While many pedestrians are dissatisfied with police officers “creeping out of the bushes” to penalize them, we must remember that the driving culture and the culture of pedestrians in the developed countries that are considered exemplary and formed by penalties. In addition, the traffic police officers are not limited to writing out fines, they do not take the time out to chide careless pedestrians, appealing to their conscience. “Fine - this is, of course, unpleasant, but it's nothing compared to the fact if you, God forbid, had to get under the car. You do not know, the driver will meet you in what state, in what mood he left home. Is a few meters before the junction or traffic lights are not worth your life?”, said one of the police officers. In fairness, it should be noted that before the fine, they will certainly try to warn the unwary pedestrian.
According to the Main Traffic Police Department of Baku, traffic accidents mostly occur between 13.00 and 18.00 and between 20.00 and 24.00. The most dangerous areas of the city are considered, according to statistics, the route of the Baku-Mardakan, Buzovna-Mardakan, Zikh highways, the avenues Azadlyg, Nobel, Heydar Aliyev, etc. That is the busiest highway of the city. The number of accidents also increases during the weekends. In rainy and snowy weather, the risk is also increased, so it is recommended to use public transport at such days as much as possible.
This must be remembered
Nearly 1.24 million people die annually in the world as a result of traffic accidents, while another 50 million people are injured, which sometimes result in disability for the rest of their lives. According to estimates, the number of people killed in traffic accidents will increase by 80%, if no urgent action is taken to improve road safety by 2020 in low- and middle-income countries.
To reduce the number of deaths and injuries in traffic accidents in all cities around the world, including in Azerbaijan, measures are being taken to improve the safety of pedestrians, cyclists and other road users. The sidewalks, overhead and underground pedestrian crossings are constructed, street lighting is installed; various bills increasing the amount of fines are accepted, the measures are being taken to strengthen trauma care for emergency medical assistance.
In recent years, the amount of fines in Azerbaijan has been increased several times. Of particular importance in the current situation was the stricter measures for the regulation of seatbelt usage, as well as special car seats for children. In addition, in our country it is prohibited to place a child up to 12 years in the front seat.
However, the speed control is one of the main methods to reduce the number of injuries resulting from traffic accidents, particularly among pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists. Necessary measures to reduce speed in urban areas and have been adopted in Azerbaijan - established speed limit zones in the central and peripheral roads are cameras and radars.
Currently, Azerbaijan needs to increase the level of pre-hospital care, through which you can save many people injured in traffic accidents. Experts argue that the injuries resulting from traffic accidents are preventable. Over the last decade, some countries, mainly high-income countries, have made significant progress in reducing mortality due to traffic accidents. But to further reduce these indicators, some more work is required.
The Day of Remembrance for Traffic Victims established by the UN General Assembly has become an important tool in the context of global efforts to reduce the number of victims of traffic accidents. It provides an opportunity to draw attention to the extent of the emotional suffering and economic losses associated with traffic accidents, to properly assess them as well as the work of support and rescue services.
In Azerbaijan, the authorities is well aware of the issue of traffic security and conduct educational events, such as the one that was organized by Hed Academy Azerbaijan. It should become a priority for all organizations that are somehow related to traffic issues. It is important to involve children in such events, as well as hold such events in kindergartens and schools.