Shovgi HUSEYNOV: "I have dreamed of becoming an actor since childhood, and I became one. This is my first love, and I will never change it."
Author: Valentina REZNIKOVA
Perhaps the stars in the sky above Jalilabad district whispered among themselves at the time of the boy's birth in August 1972, deciding to bestow upon him a special gift—the gift of a face-maker. That is why they inspired his grandmother to choose a name that Arastun Huseynov's family would later give to the child: Shovgi! A name that means “inspired.” From the moment of his birth to this day, the bearer of this name has never struggled to find inspiration. Life itself fuels his creative searches and discoveries.
Yet it is unlikely that young Shovgi, a second-grader at the time, thought he was making a fateful decision when he followed his mother's advice and joined the school drama club. And yet, what happened next seemed destined: the boy fell in love! He fell in love once and for all with the magical art of theatre! With the art of transformation, passion, and self-discovery; with the art of understanding his own identity through the prism of dramatic characters and the “proposed circumstances” in which they find themselves. These include Gloucester, Richard III, and Iago (from Richard III and Othello by W. Shakespeare), Lopakhin and Trigorin (from The Cherry Orchard and The Seagull by A. Chekhov), Aydin (from Aydin by J. Jabbarly), Sheikh Sanan (from Sheikh Sanan by H. Javid), Vladimir (from Waiting for Godot by S. Beckett), cavalier Ripafratta (from The Innkeeper by C. Goldoni), and many other characters from dramas, comedies, and tragedies. These roles have been masterfully performed at both the Azerbaijan State National Theatre of Young Spectators and the Academic Musical Theatre. The servant of these theatres is the actor Shovgi Huseynov, beloved by audiences.
Today, Shovgi Arastun oghlu Huseynov, Honoured Artist of Azerbaijan, theatre and film actor, and acting teacher at the University of Culture and Arts, is a widely celebrated figure. His artistry is recognized not only in his homeland but also abroad. In November 2016, he was awarded the honorary title Honoured Artist of Kalmykia by decree of the Head of the Kalmyk Republic of the Russian Federation.
It All Begins With Love
This is especially true for those in the acting profession. The key is to set priorities accurately and to understand in time what matters most in this challenging field: art within oneself or oneself within art? Thanks to his early mentors, Shovgi Huseynov's priorities were set correctly from the very beginning of his career. Since his professional debut (Municipal Chamber Theatre, 1991), he has remained devoted to his beloved Melpomene, constantly honing and refining his craft. The love for the enchanting world of drama theatre, first planted in his heart by Buludkhan (his first teacher in the school drama club), and later nurtured by Irina Aleksandrovna Perlova and Janetta Alibekovna Selimova, has remained with him forever. Shovgi Huseynov has never strayed from his first love, the Drama Theatre. Having absorbed the fundamentals of his craft from his mentors in his youth, he is now a master of the stage, a mentor himself, and a recipient of numerous awards, including the Golden Dervish (1996), Best Actor of the Year (2000), and Zirve (2015). He continues to study, delving into the mysteries of the human spirit, including through literature—both modern and classical. Among the books on his table are works by Huseyn Javid, Mirza Jalil, Chekhov, Dostoevsky, Gogol, Haqverdiyev, as well as Martin McDonagh, Leon Agulansky, Valentin Krasnogorov, and Neil Simon.
"Do you believe there is an unbreakable link between the theatre of the past, present, and future?"
"Absolutely! It's the human connection. Theatre, as an art form with a capital “A,” was created by people and for people. As long as humanity, endowed with a soul, exists, Theatre will endure as a mirror of the human spirit. It will always be needed and in demand."
"But there's a growing trend toward creating phantom actors. Do you think the 21st century will be the era of phantom actors and phantom theatres?"
"Nonsense! Theatre was created by people and for people. As long as humanity exists, with its instincts and emotions, Theatre will remain alive and relevant."
"So, you believe people in the 21st century will still need theatre?"
"Without a doubt!"
"Why? With the prevalence of gadgets and the ability to travel virtually through the internet, will people still care about theatre?"
"No matter how advanced virtual communication becomes—whether on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube—it can never replace live interaction. Direct human connection will always be essential, including in theatre. I believe it's necessary. Through communication, even across the stage, we can address many issues."
"What does it take for an actor to feel completely happy?"
"The stage, the audience, and great roles!"
"That's the ideal. But in reality?"
"Both ideally and in reality. Provided that the theatre is led by individuals with high creative and professional potential, like Naida-khanim Ismayilzade and Aligismat Lalayev."
"Is that the case for you?"
"Why do you, an actor of such high calibre and with such a demanding schedule in both theatres, feel the need to perform in mono plays?"
"It's an inner necessity. Mono performances help me maintain my professional edge."
"How does it feel to be recognised as a master of your craft and an educator?"
"It brings me joy and happiness! Because I'm doing what I love, and I have the opportunity to do it."
"What are students of the 21st century like?"
"They're diverse. Some are dedicated and engaged, while others are not."
"What does the theatre industry in our country need to reach a higher creative level?"
"A new generation and more youth theatre studios. We have talented young people—not many, but they exist. They are the future of our Theatre. However, many struggle to find opportunities because there aren't enough full-time positions. This is a problem, but it can be solved by establishing youth theatre studios. This issue has persisted for a long time, and it needs to be addressed, starting with at least symbolic financial support."
"You're right. The city needs bold, young, and talented groups who can make their mark in the arts. But do we have those who could form such collectives?"
"If you could rewrite your professional journey, would you still choose the demanding profession of an actor? Or, given your experience, would you opt for directing?"
"I dreamed of becoming an actor from childhood, and I became one. This is my first love, and I will never change it."
"On behalf of the editorial board of our magazine, let me congratulate you, your colleagues, and your students on the upcoming year 2025. We wish you health, peace, joy, light, and prosperity."
"Allow me to wish the wonderful team at such a respected magazine as Region Plus new creative achievements, happiness, health, peace, and many more years of professional success in the new year."
"Thank you!"