14 March 2025

Friday, 22:30


Systems for processing and distributing natural gas are being totally updated



Any quantitative achievements should be followed by their qualitative improvement. It is the most logical way to consolidate and further develop results. In any case, this "philosophical" idea is fully proven in life, especially in the economy.

The process of gasification in Azerbaijan is being carried out according to the same law - ahead of reaching the maximum quantitative indicator to provide natural gas to all the population centres of the country, the process of improving the quality of the "blue fuel" supplied begins. So, the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan (SOCAR), which is in charge of the matter, is planning to build a new gas processing plant and is carrying out major repairs on existing main gas pipelines.


Recycle with the highest quality...

As is known, unlike oil, natural gas does not require pre-processing for use, but it must be immediately sent to the consumer. Ecologically, it is the cleanest form of fossil fuel, because when burned it forms a much smaller amount of harmful substances.

The gas coming from the wells must be prepared for transportation to the end user, which happens by various schemes. According to one of them, a gas treatment plant, which cleans and dries gas, is built in the immediate vicinity of the deposit. For example, in Azerbaijan gas from the large gas fields Azari - Ciraq - Gunasli and Sah Daniz comes from the sea to the Sanqacal terminal, where it undergoes the appropriate treatment and is then transported.

In turn, SOCAR's gas plant processes gas from the Azerneft production association. After processing, the plant sends the product to Azerigas (distribution and sale of gas in Azerbaijan) and Maisatmayeqaz" (liquefied gas), as well as for export (natural gasoline).

According to projections, in 2013 about 4 billion cubic metres of gas will go through SOCAR's gas processing plant, which practically corresponds to last year's indicators. Of the total volume of processed gas, 98% is the share of dry gas, 26,000-27,000 tons is LPG and about the same amount - gas gasoline.

Meanwhile, the leadership of SOCAR and experts have repeatedly stated that today the current processing capacity of the plant is not only outdated, but cannot fully meet the growing needs of the country, especially in view of its full gasification programme. In other words, gas processing desperately needs qualitative and quantitative renewal today.

And therefore, the State Oil Company is currently working on a new complex for processing oil, gas and petrochemical products (OGPC). As part of the project, SOCAR plans in mid-2014 to begin the construction of a new gas processing plant south of Baku. Until the end of the year, detailed engineering of the new plant, which will be built in 2 lines of 6 billion cubic metres each, is to be completed. Six months later, it is planned to announce a tender for the selection of contractors for the construction of a new enterprise so as to immediately start the construction work by mid-2014.

Work on the creation of the OGPC is going according to schedule, under which the complex will be put into operation in stages during 2018-2021. The creation of a new complex worth $ 17 billion (including interest on bank loans) involves the construction of a petrochemical plant with a capacity of 1.7 million tonnes of finished products, an oil refinery with a primary oil refining capacity of 10 million tonnes per year, as well as a gas processing plant with a capacity of 10 billion cubic metres per year (expandable).

In short, after commissioning, the plant will be able to meet the demand for gas processing, and naturally its consumers will feel qualitative improvements in its properties.


And distribute correctly...

After the completion of the processing of gas, it needs to be transported. The primary means of transmission of gas over long distances are the main pipelines by which in 2012 alone Azerbaijan transported 19.3 billion cubic metres of gas, which is 3.1% more than in 2011.

That is why the provision of a modern and secure system of gas pipelines is a key issue. They were all laid mainly in the 1970's and 1980's and have to be updated. As a rule, the majority of defects in pipelines are the result of corrosion and mechanical damage, determining the location and nature of which entails a number of difficulties and high material costs. Even taking into account the fact that work on the repair and maintenance of gas pipelines is carried out regularly, it is necessary to update the entire system.

SOCAR started this process by improving the structure of the gas distribution system in the whole country. In this regard, the entire system of the main gas pipelines in Azerbaijan was taken away from Azerigas and placed under the supervision of the Gas Export Department of the State Oil Company, which takes in gas from various fields in the country and oversees gas sales both domestically and abroad. In turn, Azerigas is currently involved only in selling gas in the country.

The structural changes that have been made are important both in terms of facilitating the management of the country's gas transportation and gas distribution systems and improving the economic viability of gas sales on the domestic market.

The changes allowed individual entities to intensify and concentrate their work in two different directions. In particular, in January-May, Azerigas gasified 96 population centres throughout Azerbaijan and 40 of them - in May alone.

In turn, the Gas Export Department of SOCAR prepared a construction and repair programme for 2013 and a programme of measures for 2014-2016, under which it is planned to carry out all work on the reconstruction and modernization of the gas pipeline system.

For example, it is expected to overhaul the Haciqabul-Qazax gas pipeline in three years. It was built 30 years ago and has been often exposed to various emergency stops recently. Also, the department has already begun work to repair the main gas pipeline in the Altiagac-Agsu area. In addition, in order to ensure uninterrupted gas supplies to the city of Mingacevir and the Mingacevir thermal power plant, repair work has started on the 12-kilometre pipeline from the Mingacevir gas distribution station to the city of Mingacevir.

In addition to the above work, the department plans to carry out major repairs and reconstruction work on other gas pipelines of the country.

We should take into account that the main gas pipeline supplies gas to gas distribution stations and control and distribution points that clean it from mechanical impurities, condensate, moisture, measure its quantity, reduce pressure and odorize it (imparting a characteristic odour), and then the gas is delivered to consumers. Accordingly, along with work on the main gas pipelines, it is important to ensure the efficiency of gas distribution stations. To this end, the department plans and is already carrying out construction and repair work at more than 300 gas distribution stations and control and distribution points. An important place in the plans to update the gas distribution system in the country also belongs to the construction of new distribution substations as part of the construction of new facilities in cities, villages and towns of the country.

Thus, the redistribution of functions in the gas transportation system will ensure the economic feasibility of gas sales in the country and facilitate the management of the system as a whole. Given plans to develop industrial production, construct new refining plants and create new power generating plants, the modernization of the gas transportation infrastructure is a must. The reconstruction and renovation of the gas pipeline system will make it possible to avoid losses, prevent accidents, ensure the stability and security of gas supplies in the country and strengthen the reliability of export operations.